(no subject)

May 03, 2004 10:31

Full Name: marla beth damewood
Nickname: nutty buddy,murphy,bethy poo,daewoo....many others.

Age: 16
Grade: sophomore

Birthday: 9*5*87
People you live with: mom and dad
Ages of of People: in their 50s =0/

Boyfriend/Girlfriend: no one..yesh goddamnit..im one of the only ppl in our group who doesnt have ne one nor is "talking" to ne one
Who: .....
Crush: yesh
Who: no comment....
Best Friend: too many to name =0)

What do you look for in a girl: hmm a girl? pretty much the same thing i look for in guys..has to be sweet,caring,trustworthy,have a great personality,not be a slut,not too much makeup,and the #1 thing is they HAVE to be funny!
Have you found that in a girl yet?: eh.....yeah..
Do you want to get married: yeah
Have children: not really...ok..well sorta =0/
How many: more than 1 i know that..dont care though
Girl Names: .....
Boy Names: ..........
With who: umm..dont matter

Are your parents divorced: no
Has either one ever been in a previous marriage: no
How many siblings: 1
Yall Get along: nope
Do you get along with your parents: nope...no fuckin way in hell
Do they punish you alot: yeah..fuckin douches

--This or That--
Hot Dogs or Hamburgers: burger
Vegetables or Fruit: fruit
Radio or TV: TV
Boys or Girls: either one
Pen or Pencil: dont matter
Beavis or Butthead: hmmm..tough decision
Video or DVD: DVD
Reality or Dreams: dreams
Boyfriend/Girlfriend or Available: available..

--What do you think of when you hear this word--
Biscuit: and gravy
Cell: phone
Booty: ghetto ass =0P
School: death
Cheerleading: preppy bitch
Smoke: when?
Destiny: too good to be true
Bible: genises
Book: read
Honor: classes
Dark: night
Girl: boy
Boy: girl
Basketball: ppl running around trying to get a ball in a net for no reason at all..
Hair: brush/heather
Pool: swim/summer

--Do you know anyone named--
John: yes
Nichole: not spelled like that...
Leslie: umm..i think
Paul: yesh
Abraham: nope
Arnold: no
Abbey: yesh..spelled differently though
Alli: no
Kelly: lmao..we call katie kelly..does that count?
Dustin: yesh
Shelby: no
Roger: yesh
Matthew: yesh
Nathaniel: umm i dont think so
Scott: yesh
Philip: yesh
Carrie: yesh
Kaitlyn: umm i think
Bob: yesh
Fred: yesh

eaten sushi?: no
Been on stage?: yesh
Been dumped?: yeah
Had someone be unfaithful to you?  yeah =0(
Gotten in a car accident? yup
Hiked a mountain? yeah
Made homemade cookies?: yesh
Been in love? yesh
Seen the White House?: nope

Cold or hot?: cold
Blue or Red?: red
New or old?: new
Give or receive? dont matter.
Wool or cotton?: cotton
Rose or Daisy?: black rose
Private school or public school?: public
Chocolate milk or plain milk?: chocolate
Celsius or Fahrenheit? fahrenheit
spring or fall?: fall
History or Science?: neither >.<
Math or English?: english
Who's your funniest friend? brittany..adrian..o god..pretty much all my friends =0P
Who do you e-mail the most?: no one really...umm ok..dede or melanie r the only ones lately
Who is the meanest?: ummm...
Who's the loudest: all of us..
Who's parents do you know the best?: i dunno..
Who has the best room? rach

Within last 24 hours...
Had a serious talk?: yesh
hugged someone?: yesh
gotten along good with your parents? no
Fought with a friend?: ummm..not really

Do you like to?:::::
hug?: yesh
Give back rubs?: not really
Take walks in the rain?: o yesh! =0)
If you got a tattoo, would it be a snake sliding down your spine?: prolly not
have you ever had that falling dream?: yesh
What color is your floor/carpet in your room?: pink >.< and really really really stained
What was the last CD you bought? umm..o god..its been so long..cause i burn my cds..i dunno...
If you chew gum, what kind?: dont matter really..
how do you plan on spending this summer? working and running around places...having fun..being with friends..hell if i know....

Have you ever?
Danced around naked: yesh
Lied about your bra size: um no
Gotten drunk: yepp
Run away from cops: lol! yesh..many times =0/
Flip off you parents behind their backs: lol when i was little
Mentally undressed someone: yesh =0P
Eaten crayons:? i dont think so....?
Shoplifted: yesh
Held a gun: yeah
Seriously injured yourself: yesh

When was the last time you....
Sang out loud: when we were walking to the computer lab..=0)
Went to a porno site: haha..i dunno..its easier to download it! =0P just make fun of it that way instead of paying the fuckin money ..lol
Threw something: last night
watched a cartoon: lol..i was bored last night and was watching rugrats =0P
Did something you enjoy: ummm prolly saturday..or friday

Do you?
Have a pager: no
Have a cell phone: yesh
Have a laptop: no
Have money in pocket right now: like a dollar i think =0/
Have clothes on right now: yesh..well durrrr ....im in school!
have a mental disease: prolly
Lie to people to make them think well of you: no
Have behavioral problems: haha yesh
Have a car: no..parents do...
Have self esteem problems: yesh

yesh i was bored and decided to steal this from sara...=0P

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