Title: Primitive Desires Pairing: Kai/Kyungsoo Word Count: 1,559 Rating: NC-17 Summary: In which Kyungsoo goes into heat lets his Alpha boyfriend, Jongin help him.
<< part iiThe sun was up, its bright beams of sunlight crept through the opened windows and dancing curtains blown by the morning air. In the beige walls bedroom, in the middle of the queen sized bed laid two people, body and limbs entangled and toes peeking out from the thin blanket covering their nude bodies, clothes all forgotten on the
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<< part iKyungsoo never did question his boyfriend’s weird behavior. Kris was extremely quiet only uttering a word or two whenever Kyungsoo spoke to him which served to fuel Kyungsoo’s worrying concern. Luckily after a few days, things went back to normal - Kris was back carrying the role of the cool protective boyfriend
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Title: Rope Burns (part i/iii) Pairing: Kris/Kyungsoo Rating: R Word Count: 2,400 Summary: A naked Kyungsoo wakes up and finds himself handcuffed to his boyfriend's bed in one of the most revealing position. Kris's very proud of himself as he observes his flushed boyfriend from head to toes, replaying his dirty daydream all over again. Only this
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Title: Handcuffed Pairing: Kris/Kyungsoo Rating: NC-17 Word Count: 1,750 Summary: Kris's wildest fantasy of his innocent boyfriend: Kyungsoo handcuffed to a bedpost, spread wide open for him.
Kyungsoo has never felt this vulnerable and bare in front of anyone before. There was one thing Kyungsoo wished to do right now; to dig a hole under the
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Palms sweaty and heart beating wildly, Kyungsoo wriggles excitedly on the bench watching the basketball game between his juniors. With a small banner tied around his forehead printed in bold red letters ‘
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It was another one of their busy, busy schedule. Running back and forth for mini concerts, getting ready for their debut and preparing for interviews, not to mention they were also given the chance to become part time
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