no i do, i just go to stanly comm college. im gettin my diploma in a wk!YAY then idk i mite try and go to uncc but shit wit my past grades yea fuckin right...anyways how u been
o thats wuzup. get my diploma in june! lol yay! ive been good. im a couple weeks pregnant...sshhh. umm my boyfriend is talkin about gettin engaged. and i think im going to winston salem state university or uncg. i havent decided yet. but ive been good. ready to get the hell out of my parents house!! seems like its takin forever for that to happen tho. but over all im good. i work at a restaurant but im ready to quick. its way to stressful. how you been?
well damn are u excited or no? bout both preg and engagement?? have u told ur mom?? thats awesome.wat restaurant u working at? im still workin at outback by my house. its fun as hell tho. ive been fine just really busy trying to take on a million things.but good none the less. my mom just had surgery for cancer cells and weve been dealin with that. shes fine tho she can have them removed and ive gotta go to the doctor ive been throwin up blood for damn near a month now, its prob a ulcer from wat im told but im fine. just gotta get it treated. june isnt that far away! keep on dont drop out like my dumbass did!
excited about the pregnancy?...not the exact word i would use. lol im still kinda depressed about it and my bf said i dnt need to keep it if im feelin like this already. i dnt kno. about the engagement...not really either. he wants to but i still think im too young! i have like a thousands things to still do in my life before im ready to settle down. and nope i havent told my mom about the pregnancy but he asked my mom if he could marry me and she said im young and we would have to wait fo a wedding until im 18 but she's ok with it. n its not like im not bout to be 18 in like 4 months! the rest. is called the carriage club. im a waitress but i get paid 7.50 so thats good. im sorry to hear about your mom. and yea, you need to go to the doc cuz that doesnt sound good. june seems to be coming closer than i realize. if i keep the baby it will be due in like july!! im jus so confused. i dnt wanna be a house wife and have to sit at home n take care of a baby while me bf(fiance)lol wuteva i call him goes on in life wit his dreams. he has a
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well i kno wat u mean,i wouldnt get engaged or married either i agree too early and u got way to much going for u to let some boy hold u down. but wat ever u do is cool.thats straight is that a good place to work? shit i make 2.13 plus tips. yea but i got no money to go to the doctor cuz i have no insurance, its wat eva tho.shit i wouldnt wanna be a house wife neither. hit wat a balla! if u wanna be a nurse then i would go and do wat u wanna do! shit
Comments 12
u still go to east?
then idk i mite try and go to uncc but shit wit my past grades yea fuckin right...anyways how u been
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