basic info
Name: Mandi
Age: 18
Location: California
Height: 5'5"
Weight: 125
ED Details
Place an 'x' next to your answer.
What is your eating disorder?
[x] ED-NOS
[ ] Bulimia Nervosa
[x] Anorexia Nervosa (i was diagnosed with it years ago but i don't fit the criteria right now)
[ ] Binge Eating Disorder
[ ] Orthorexia
[ ] Other: please explain
note: if you need to, you may check a second box to clarify the nature of your disorder.
For instance, you might 'x' ED-NOS and Anorexia Nervosa to say that you are ED-NOS with
Anorexic behaviors. Another example is checking Anorexia Nervosa as well as Orthorexia, to
say that you are Anorexic with Orthorexic behaviors.
Have you ever been abused? (check all that apply)
[ ] I have not been abused.
[x] I don't remember
[ ] I have been physically abused
[ ] I have been sexually abused
[ ] I have been verbally abused
[ ] I have been mentally/emotionally abused
Do you think that this abuse has contributed to the development of your eating disorder?
[ ] yes
[x] I don't know
[ ] no
[ ] I have not been abused
If you answered yes to the previous question, please explain how the abuse contributed to your eating disorder.
Check all that apply
[ ] I want to get better.
[x] I have been to recovery
[x] I have been hospitalised for ED-related reasons
[ ] I see a psychiatrist
[ ] My psychiatrist knows about my ED
[ ] I lie to my psychiatrist about my eating habits
[ ] My friends know about my ED
[ ] My family, or a family member, knows about my ED
[ ] I have at least one friend with and ED who knows about my ED
[ ] My friends with ED's are supportive (if they know)
[ ] My family is understanding (if they know)
[ ] My friends are understanding (if they know)
[x] I am good at hiding my ED
[ ] I want someone to find out about my ED
[x] No one knows about my ED
[ ] I take diet pills
[ ] I do drugs recreationally
[ ] I self-injure
[ ] I have a clinically diagnosed personality or mood disorder
[ ] I take prescribed medications for my personality or mood disorder
[ ] I have ADD or ADHD
[ ] I take a stimulant drug to control my ADD or ADHD
[ ] I have been ! diagnosed
For the following three questions, 'hair' 'teeth' 'nails' or 'eyes' are not acceptable responses.
1. What part of your body do you hate the most? stomach and and thighs
2. What part of your body do you like the mose arms
3. Which bone/vein/etc. do you like most? hip bones
Some graphics-related things
Give us one photograph of yourself. It doesn't have to be a body shot or even particularly current, but it is required. im not sure how to post it on here, you can eamil me for it
Promote myfriendeddie on your journal (info or entry, doesn't matter), to a friend, and to a community.
Post links here:
My Journal:
A Friend:
A Community:
if you for some reason cannot post a promotion in your public journal, please let us know.
OPTIONAL! this stuff is just for fun. Answer whatever you want and ignore whatever you don't feel like answering.
Any other pictures of yourself you'd like to share?
Do you have any reverse/thinspiration photos to show us?
please 'x' all that apply
[ ] I would like to participate in a group fast.
[x] I would like to compete in a weight loss challenge.
[x] I am interested in meeting other members of this community.
[ ] I plan to promote beyond the requirement.
[ ] Aside from ED-related image concerns, it's important to me that I'm stylish.
[ ] I'm afraid to admit that I like MK.
[ ] If I weren't so ugly I'd be hot.
[ ] I like makeup
[x] I like hair
[ ] I like fashion
[x] I don't care about having stylish hair, clothes, or makeup. All I care about is being thin,
and it has nothing to do with what people think of me.
[ ] I have pets and I love them!
[ ] I have pets and I hate them.
[ ] I wish I had pets.
[ ] I never want pets.
[ ] The same applies to children as to pets, for me
[ ] My feelings on pets and children are opposite.
[x] I would adopt a baby, but not give birth to one
[ ] I would give birth to a baby, but not adopt one
[ ] Wheth! er I give
favorite outfit to wear when sleeping/lounging? comfy pj pants and a tank
Favorite Bands: everything from emo to country but my fav band is AFI
Favorite Books or Magazines: anything by Nicholas Sparks
Favorite Movies or TV Shows:
Favorite Fashion Designer/Label:
Favorite Bad Food: pasta
Favorite Safe Food: apples
Favorite Plant or Animal fact:
Favorite Recreational Drug and/or Activity:
Favorite Celebrity (doesn't need to be a thinspiration)
What kind of surroundings does your dream home have?
Do you have any suggestions for the community: challenges, layouts, etc.?:
How did you find us?: search
Any questions for your fellow members? Remember to give your own answer to anything you ask.