SO FAR, YOUR SUMMER SOUNDS FRIGGIN AWESOME. I didn't go to the park either because it was raining and I didn't want to run around in the mud with the wormies. And I think it's freakin awesome that you have a suite mate! AWW! SALLY!!! Omg, i think i should find a book and learn some calculus also, b/c it's going to be crazy next year. EEKKK! Alright ttyl!
Yeah thanks. =) I'm excited hehe. I only have a few more days down here until I'm going to leave.. 10 to be exact.. Well, anyhow, I really want to hang out with you and Gabbrielle before then.. I hope I get a chance..? =\ I miss you two! <3
Hahaha, grow up?! No way! My mental age is still 2.. so I don't know what you are talking about! =) hehe. Didn't you think the movie was good? =) Gosh some of my friends were like ehh I didn't really like it.. booo to them. lol! Oopps were you part of that group of people who didn't like it? haha.. If so.. boo to you too!! =P
Comments 4
I'm excited hehe. I only have a few more days down here until I'm going to leave.. 10 to be exact.. Well, anyhow, I really want to hang out with you and Gabbrielle before then.. I hope I get a chance..? =\
I miss you two! <3
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