Title: Kyuhyun's First Starring: Sungmin/Kyuhyun, Hyukjae/Kyuhyun Rating: NC-17 Genre: Romance, fluff, friendship Words: Ongoing A/N: For the BottomKyu community on LiveJournal Prompt: gif/drag game found in Lanaleiss' journal.
Am I the only that doesn't think Sungmin has bad intentions/is a bad boy? XD
Oh, all the Eunkyu and Minkyu feelings~ I'm so conflicted. I really like Eunhyuk and Kyuhyun's interactions (Eunhyuk is so obvious lol), but Sungmin ;-;
Eunhyuk working at an adult store... somehow I am not surprised, but Kyuhyun at an adult store is such an amusing vision XD.
Kyuhyun thinking of Eunhyuk while watching porn... yes
Comments 2
Oh, all the Eunkyu and Minkyu feelings~ I'm so conflicted. I really like Eunhyuk and Kyuhyun's interactions (Eunhyuk is so obvious lol), but Sungmin ;-;
Eunhyuk working at an adult store... somehow I am not surprised, but Kyuhyun at an adult store is such an amusing vision XD.
Kyuhyun thinking of Eunhyuk while watching porn... yes
Can't wait to see what happens~ c:
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