Title: Clocks
Starring: Shindong, Eunhyuk (ShinHyuk)
Rating: G
Genre: AU, Humour
Warnings: Yaoi (boyxboy romance), mpreg
Words: 458
A/N: Part of 100 Super Junior Fics Challenge - 019. Clocks, Shindong/Eunhyuk
Shindong knew he wasn't very skinny. He had a lot of people who reminded him of that on a daily basis. There was nothing he could do about it though, he loved food and though he would gladly join a club to exercise and lose some weight, other members would always bully him away. That's why most of the day, Shindong spent his time behind his computer in his room where no one could see him or call him names.
Last night the chubby male registered on a new forum, it looked fun with a lot of members and different sections. It had been the Food&Drinks section that made Shindong register, there were so many recipes and people sharing opinions, even debating about all kinds of food. There was a member by the name of AllRiseSilver who had been one of the first to welcome Shindong to the forum and they had even met a few times in threads about food and dancing moves. Shindong liked this person, but couldn't figure out anything personal since AllRiseSilver's profile was rather empty.
It seemed that if you wanted to know more about AllRiseSilver, you could add this person on your messenger. Shindong stared at the mail address, a bit hesitant since his father told him about the perverts roaming the internet. AllRiseSilver didn't fit the profile though, not entirely at least. Shindong figured it was worth a try and added the member.
It didn't take long for AllRiseSilver to accept him and Shindong spent all night talking to him, Eunhyuk. They had a lot in common and browsed the forum together as they chatted privately. Shindong felt happy, loved with this new found friend.
ShinsFriends signed in
AllRiseSilver: Yooo Shindongdong! Where were you man?
ShinsFriends: Ah sorry Hyuk, dad was lecturing me again..
AllRiseSilver: Aish parents, about wut?
ShinsFriends: He's just worried about me.. the internet.. you
AllRiseSilver: ... me? What about me?
ShinsFriends: He says you can be one of those pervs..
AllRiseSilver: I AM NOT
ShinsFriends: I know, let's forget about it, where are ya on the forum?
AllRiseSilver: Time Section, it's new, cheeeeck it out!
ShinsFriends: Why would someone.. Oh, you made it?
AllRiseSilver: Yeah!
ShinsFriends: But why?
AllRiseSilver: Because I like cocks
Shindong jerked back from his screen and stared in confusion. His heartbeat accelerated and he thought about what his father had warned him for; perverts on the internet. Oh no, Eunhyuk was one of them?! The chubby male didn't know what to do so he quickly left his room in search of his mother.
AllRiseSilver: Shin? Helloooooo?
AllRiseSilver: What's going on, where are ya?
ShinsFriends: Stay away from me!
ShinsFriends signed out
AllRiseSilver: ... The hell, a guy can't like clocks? :'(