Title: To the Ends of the Earth
Fandom: X-Men (X-Factor)
Characters, pairings: Rictor/Shatterstar
Rating: R
Summary: Some of the things that happened in Mexico.
The ground was shaking, and he was shaking, because he was the ground and the ground was him. )
Comments 18
(and it hurts less when I remember that 'Star did come back.)
I think if they broke up it would've been addressed. Like, they wouldn't have just stood around making out for 20 minutes.
I do think Star flaked out and really should've checked in with Ric at some point (especially after M-Day). He is sometimes a ditz.
I think you're right. Actually, I have to wonder if Shatterstar ever even thought Rictor would be at risk during M-Day. It seems like the kind of thing he would just assume to be all right, if no one told him otherwise.
which really makes me want to read the conversation they still haven't had yet.
This story was alternately hilarious, hot, and heartbreaking, and I'm utterly speechless at the end of it, because all of it was done so gorgeously.
You created a Shatterstar that wasn't a meek or subordinate stereotype. You created a Rictor that wasn't a tortured (or self-loathing homophobic) stereotype.
This was gorgeous, beginning to end--gorgeous and evocative and beautiful.
And omg, STAR CAME BACK. [melts into a puddle] of love and warm happy feelings] I can die happy.
Um. Yes, anywho! This was lovely, thank you very much for sharing.
Yes, Star is very considerate, isn't he? He makes up for it by being a complete flake who never calls his boyfriend. He probably had important ninja work to do or something.
I really want Rictor to buy him a cell phone.
Sometimes the little details are the ones that stuck out in my mind the most--Star liking mangoes, for instance, or Tabby making them a CD.
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