Title Five Father's Day Calls Angel Never Got
xlivvielockexRating G
Word Count 5x100
Characters/Pairing (if any) Angel, Connor
WARNING: Not comics compliant. NOT A HAPPY ENDING
Summary: Five things fic (drabbles). Connor calls Angel. Not comics compliant. Post-NFA. THIS DOES NOT HAVE A HAPPY ENDING!
Brrrring...Brrrriiing )
Comments 10
Girl, yum. Just yum. I ate it up, every word. Poor Angel, eternal life is never more than the death sentence as when you begin to outlive those you love. :(
Angsty in the most understated way. Love it. :)
Now, how about MORE? :P
I finally got the ATS muse back. I've been writing in other fandoms and just posting it to AO3.
[Btw, the beta in me was going to say the University of Notre Dame is in Indiana and then I Google and, lo and behold, there is a Notre Dame College in Ohio. Who knew? And I live in Ohio! Thanks for the education. :)]
So funny that you caught that. I was googling cause I couldn't remember where University of Notre Dame was and I found this Notre Dame college in Ohio. And I was sort of playing with it in my mind. Like what if Connor got confused on which one Angel wanted? Or if his grades weren't good enough for the University? I threw it in there as sort of wink and nod to myself but I am so tickled someone else was like wait...University of Notre Dame isn't in Ohio!
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