I wonder when Frig will work out that if Wemjox dies she'll just go "beep" like every other girl-slave and Lou and Mr Haberdash will go back to their old selves ...
EDIT: How do Wemjox address Xlormp? By his name, or as Father or Dad or what? Or do they think of Klaxie as their father because he was responsible for the liquid alien baby fandango?
Comments 29
God I'm a nerd.
It's true.
I love S.P.I.T.
YAY~! For Xlormp rebelling against Wemjox!
Wemjox will be stopped!
Wonder what that box does....
Great chapter binge, I can't wait for Monday. :(
EDIT: How do Wemjox address Xlormp? By his name, or as Father or Dad or what? Or do they think of Klaxie as their father because he was responsible for the liquid alien baby fandango?
Ahahahaha! I'm glad you clarified because sharing a bed before marriage is far too scandalous for a vampirealien romance novel.
Much as I loved Team Christopher in the previous chapter, I'm happy Xlormp is being a supportive husband. And the last line=love!
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