Allie in little kid couch lmao
lmao ryan is SOLDIER! haha
haha so is allie!
ryan... with a winnie the pooh chair stuck to his ass... hahaha
BILINGUAL ELMO!? wtf... lmao
allie really confussed about the boat.....
yes allie... very badass... lmao
allie and ryan.. haha
allie and garfield.
hahaha allie and i wore these around the mall... hahaha
and this, i must say is MY ALL TIME FAVORIE. Lmao...
it wouldnt rotate for some reason... idk. but yah. ryan makes me laugh.. haha ryan. haha
yes, and that ladies and gentle men concludes my day with allie and ryan... well... almost. after that we ran into justin and greggy... lmao we then left, got on the highway and watched justin almost get killed..... yah... i was scared.
and then we went to walmart and yah. just kinda walked around walmart... cuz its walmart.. lmao
well yah.
i guess im gonna go.
* I GOT MY PUPPY BACK! she was suppose to go live with some ppl down the cape. she left yesterday morning. my mom called me this afternoon and was like wanna take a ride with me today? im like idk where u goin.. shes like down the cape.. im like FOR WHAT!? shes like to get the puppy... i was yelling and screaming in allies car MY PUPPYS COMING HOME MY PUPPYS COMING HOME! lmao appearently she killed a cat... gave the poor thing a heart attack.... but at least shes home. :D
ok, and im done.
ill update at another point in time.