Burlingame Pez Museum Pictures
Outside of the museum
Gary Doss, owner of the Pez Museum. Yes, i made him pose for that.
Main Room when you come in. Nice vending machines!
Lots of vintage + others
Rare Vending Machine. I think i overheard him saying it was 1 of 3 that were made.
Cocoa Marsh and some beautiful regulars.
..and some more vintage!
Scenes made with pez. The first one on the left is Rapunzel.
Mr.Ugly and his friends. <3
Gary giving a tour to some people and the awesome giant pez sign.
Pez Posters.
Pez lapel pins and clickers!
Gingerbread house made with pez candies. How cute.
Look at all of the PEZ! *drools*
This is one of my faves in the whole museum. Why? Because it is Jack in the box for one and secondly because there is an autographed pic from Jack himself. How cool is that! Sorry for the blurriness.
A close up of that giant sign.
Rare vending machine close up.
Pez boxers and Duck with Flower banks that they made. Expensive but cute.
Fun Facts about Pez. :D
One more shot of the pez for sale.