its that time again....Rant time
so again this is one that people might not like but i remind you if you
dont like it ... its my opinion ... i wont think any less of u if you
fall under this rant... i just dont like something u do thats it.... i
still like u as a mate.
Todays topic of Rant is this
Guys in Girls Jeans.
Right first off i know some peoples reactions will be... ur just angry
cause ur a fat bastard and u really want to be able to wear girls jeans
but cant cause they dont fit you....
am perfectly fine with my size at the moment and yes am trying to loose
weight but not to be able to get girls jeans... fek right off.
I havent a clue where this trend came from... i have heard rumours of
it starting as an "emo" thing and another saying its a "hardcore" thing
and another saying its a "scene" thing but i dont really care. I think
its absolutly stupid.
Girls jeans are designed for girl...
they dont have a bit of the body that guys do have... so they are not
designed for guys .... ive seen people wearing jeans so tight they cant
zip up the zipper fully and actually looked in pain when they moved
certain ways. Why go through that just to get jeans that are tight.
ive been told by friends that its just they want jeans that are tight
around the legs etc and guys jeans cant do that.. im sorry but ive seen
guys in tight jeans before and they were guys jeans not girls... why
cant you buy them instead... it seems like an infactuation with the
fact they are wearing something that isnt designed for them or
something. WHY? ITS JEANS
how can something so tight be the
slightest bit comfortable... in my opinion 80% of people wearing them
are following a trend on seeing someone wearing them and the attention
they are getting and deciding they want that attention too and it must
be the jeans... sorry mate its really not... there are quite a few folk
out there that agree with me
as some friends have pointed out there should be less of this
and more of this
guys should stick to guys clothing and try and not deviate.
its just not on..... i hate now how when i go to buy a bands t-shirt
and go to get an xl they r like sorry we dont have ne our sizes are
youth medium , youth large , small , medium (and sometimes large)
it gets on my nerves soo bad cause i might really like their band and i
cant get a t-shirt cause they only think of what is happening in the
clothes side of music these days
"oh kids are wearing girls jeans and tight t-shirts... lets focus on them and leave other fans out"
its pissing annoying
im gonna finish there before i start mentioning names of bands and pissing more people off haha
*Special comendation to Wez. He is exempt from this as girls jeans are the only ones that fit him ahah*
rant is not indicated at any one person and if you do like it im sorry
but its what i feel about it and just decide to write about it for my
own and others amusement.
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