update 'n stuff

Dec 06, 2005 02:15

so...this is like an update 'n stuff. and it might be long or it might not be. i just started writing it so i really can't tell what will happen in the end. i mean right now nothing important is popping into my head but as time goes on more ideas start flowing until i can reach a final conclusion as to what to write about. i mean, the ending really ( Read more... )

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Comments 7

mullanomics101 December 6 2005, 19:02:41 UTC
I fucking lost my virginity before my dad did...classic, man, classic!


always_wright December 6 2005, 20:38:11 UTC
Christian Gutierrez.

We need to talk, because you need a friggin' reality check.


anonymous December 6 2005, 23:01:09 UTC
I am assuming you were high and drunk when u wrote this which worries me,lol.


anonymous December 8 2005, 01:19:02 UTC
I don't think you were high or drunk. This seems like a beautiful commentary on our world, and especially people our age. This is the first time I've read live journal since I've been at college, and I really like this post. Even if I got it all wrong (which I don'tthink is the case) I still found what I needed out of it.
thanks, anonymous poster


xloveandloathex December 8 2005, 03:21:54 UTC
im glad someone gets it


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