When I got to work today after your house I got my schudel... Guess what? In the next 3 weeks I work 3 times. I WAS SOOOOOOO MAD I walked up to the owners daughter (b/c the owner wasnt there) and was like I want more hours so she gave me 2 extra days and told me I'd most likely get called in for this weekend... Thats better I thought then the owner got there and saw that I had 2 extra days and was like how could Joy (her daughter) do this (as if I were a terriable worker and I was a waste of time when in reality I work 50xs as hard as most the people in there)! URG I'M SO QUITTING AS SOON AS I FIND ANOTHER JOB! <33Alli
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If you want to know a bit about me look here www.bloodandbushido.com , Im the writer.... and http://www.xanga.com/home.aspx?user=darkwingsfly for some of my photos and poetry..
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