Title: Probably going to call this the prologue to Finding You Again
Pairing: None yet (if you read this you’ll understand)
Rating: PG
Warning: this is the begining of the sequel to
Finding You
Summary: Because of Donghae’s decision he has to deal with the repercussions. This is just a little insight to what those repercussions are.
A/N: okay so this is like the epilogue/prologue to
Finding You/Finding You Again I guess, I don’t really know what to call it. You don't have to read
Finding You to understand this story, but if you plan on reading
Finding You then this is a HUGE SPOILER
I was going to start writing the sequel to
Finding You when I realized that there is going to be a bunch of questions that I don’t want to have to write into the sequel so this is to answer those questions. But to not make it completely boring I decided to write it like a fic :D okay here we go…
*Told from the P.O.V. of the Donghae fate look alike*
Repercussion: a widespread, indirect, or unforeseen effect of an act, action, or event
All decisions have consequences; just as all the choices you make will affect something in your life.
Donghae was given a choice, keep his memories and lose Hyukjae or lose his memories so that Hyukjae could live.
So he chose…
“What would you give up so that Hyukjae could live?” I asked, even though I knew what his answer would be
“Anything” Donghae said after a minute, he thought I was playing some sort of trick on him
“Anything?” I questioned, what I was going to take he could never get back.
“Yes, you can take anything you want…just please don’t let Hyukjae die” he begged
“Are you willing to give up all of your time together?” I asked but he didn’t understand
“What?” he said
“Would you be willing to never meet Hyukjae? If I never help you two meet he will not die” I informed him
He only had to think about it for a split second; we both knew what his answer would be
“Yes” he said “If it will save Hyukjae then I’m willing to have never met him”
***End of Flashback***
He was given a chance that not many people are blessed with, a chance to find his soul mate a second time, a chance to live happily ever after.
But there is one problem. I can’t interfere a second time. You’re given one chance, one chance to meet your soul mate, one chance to come together when you wouldn’t have.
Fate is not kind to soul mates. It tries to make it impossible for true lovers to meet, but that’s where I come in. I give them a push in the right direction.
Donghae has less than a 1% chance to find Hyukjae again, but he seemed so determined, so sure he could do it.
I was quiet for a minute, I knew my words would hurt him, I knew they would break his tender beating heart but it had to be said, he didn’t deserve to live with false hope “you may never meet him” I said “Without my help I doubt you will ever see each other again”
“I don’t care” Donghae said “if Hyukjae lives that’s all that matters”
“Very well” I said, it was his choice, it mattered not to me what he chose “then I’ll reverse time and he’ll never dream about you…are you sure you’re okay with that?” I asked a second time
“Yes” he answered “because I know I will find him again” I could see that in his heart he truly believed his words, but I knew the truth, I could see his future.
I smiled at him “I hope you do” I told him truthfully “but I don’t see it in your future”
“I changed the future once right?” he asked and I nodded my head “then I can do it again, I will find Hyukjae” he said it with absolute resolve, like nothing could keep them apart.
“You make it sound so easy, but there are 6,852,472,823 people in this world and 48,747,000 of them are in South Korea. How do you expect to find one man so easily?” I asked, even if he didn’t remember this conversation he needed to know how impossible his quest would be.
“He’s not just one man” he answered “he’s my soul mate, and I will find him”
I smiled at him “I really hope you find him Donghae” I said, but it was highly unlikely
***End of Flashback***
So I reversed time. I stole all their memories and released them into the ether where they would never be seen again. Where they would never be remember by anyone, except for me.
And they went back, went back to a time before Hyukjae was ever given the dreams of Donghae, to a time when it was foreseen that they would never meet.
But all choices have consequences.
When Donghae chose to save Hyukjae he didn’t just change his future, he changed the fates of four other people.
Because Hyukjae and Donghae never met, Hyukjae never begged Ryeowook to go on a double date with him; he never talked with Yesung about his feelings towards his cousin.
Therefore Yesung hides his feelings for Ryeowook, keeps them locked deep inside himself as he desperately tries to bury them. And Ryeowook pines for him, wishes and begs and prays that one day they can be together. But Yesung will never act on his emotions unless he gets Hyukjae’s approval, which he will never give because Donghae never came along and changed his heart.
Hyukjae thinks love is pain, that love will destroy Ryeowook; like it did with him and Junsu. So Hyukjae acts like he can’t see how Ryeowook and Yesung are hurting, he pretends their love doesn’t exist.
The first Repercussion: Ryeowook and Yesung never get together.
But that is not the only thing that was affected by Donghae’s choice.
Donghae has never been strong enough to deny Kibum, he’s never needed to. His love for Kibum is as strong as soul mates and when Hyukjae never enters Donghae’s life his heart never changed.
So when Kibum returns all ready to mend his broken heart and pick up the pieces he dropped Donghae is all too willing to let the younger back in.
But this time around Donghae is guarded; he lets the younger in, but not completely. There is a barrier around his heart. Donghae doesn’t let Kibum see him, the real him. He guards his heart in fear that Kibum will destroy it again.
Repercussion number 2: Donghae and Kibum love each other with guarded, broken, unfixable hearts
Because of Donghae and Kibum’s relationship and because Hyukjae is not in their life, Kibum never meets Changmin. Changmin is Kibum’s real soul mate. The person he’s really supposed to spend his life with.
But they will never meet unless Hyukjae meets Donghae, their fates are intertwined.
The third Repercussion: Two soul mates never meet and probably never will
Donghae may have saved Hyukjae’s life but the consequence of Hyukjae never finding love after Junsu practically kills him.
When Junsu returns Hyukjae has hope that they can love like they used to, that they can fix what they break every time they get together. But Junsu has found his soul mate in Yoochun. He can’t love Hyukjae the way Hyukjae wants him to. But he wants to be friends with Hyukjae, he loves Hyukjae in a platonic way and he wants to fix their relationship.
Hyukjae agrees because he loves Junsu. So he holds onto hope that Junsu will one day choose him, even though he knows it will never happen.
Hyukjae builds a wall around his heart, because it’s the only thing he can do to not hurt. But as time goes by he slowly loses his faith in love.
He loses the want to love.
He loses a little bit of his heart.
Repercussion number 4: Hyukjae loses his will to love
I deal in love and fate-it’s kind of my job-so to watch as 5 hearts get broken and 3 sets of soul mates drift farther and farther apart is almost unbearable.
I can’t interfere.
It is in the rules, and these rules cannot be broken.
But there is no rule that says I can’t point them in the right direction.
A/n2: I guess I’m going to call this the prologue. I’ll probably go into these things more in other chapters, but the way I intend to write the first chapter, you needed to know these things.
I hope this makes you excited for the sequel, and I’m sorry for making you guys wait so long but I promise I will start writing it soon <3
Thank you so much for reading, and for continuing with this story. I hope I don’t disappoint you