Was she told when she was young the pain would lead to pleasure?

Oct 03, 2005 23:02

not the best picture but there's Lake Lucerne

again not a great picture but a freaking AWESOME thunderstorm. it was pitch black outside but the lightning made it look like day.

the Alps

our hotel

in honor of the Swiss soldiers

and now the Swiss will only guard the Vatican

Blue Balls Festival..man i'd want to see that. only for iggy pop.

Rococo rocks

people drink water from the source because it's so clean

this makes me laugh..the dog is deep in thought haha

on the boat to Pilatus



the steepest mountian in the world...known as the "Mountain of Dragons"

go open your fridges...i'm (almost) sure you have a Lucerne dairy product in your fridge. well it comes from these cows!

stacy's crazy!!

the most enormous dog i've ever seen in my whole life. a bit taller and larger than his owner..Great Dane


literally felt on top of...Europe

love this picture

i look like a madman

ew don't make me explain. haha

swiss playgrounds beat the crap out of american ones

in the midst of being lost and alone in a German-speaking place, i had to stop smell the...fondue. that's very big there, fondue. and take a picture, of course.

HAPPY ROSH HASHANAH! Happy year 5766.
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