
Feb 02, 2009 23:30

So uh.. photos? I don't have many for the second day because they were either a) not good photos b) I didn't have time to snap many due to the CG groupage and c) they're not exactly from close up, i.e they're from the cosplay competition. But whatever, right?

Day 1: Saturday

Hot Zero is hot. No, seriously. The guy under this helmet was.... I swear, absolutely gorgeous. The random drawings on the photo? In my head, that's what I was doing. I had the worst urge to put my arm around him and hug him... then touch his ass, but I refrained because he was walking around with a girl and, given his immense attractiveness, was probably his girlfriend. >.>; He was standing so cloooooooosssse to meeeeeeee. *_____* I could feel his body heat radiating off him and I was... I don't know, almost comatose. I couldn't even smile right, ffs. Now he'll remember me as the C.C cosplayer who was a fucking retard. ;__;
My younger brother says I should have gotten him to say "NIPPONPON" and wave his arms around, and I nearly headwalled. How could I have forgotten about Nipponpon?! It's pretty much what I live for, for god's sake. I'll just have my excuse be that he's way too hot and it muddled my brain. I think that might be close to the truth.. Anyhow, all sexual urges aside, his cosplay was seriously epic. His helmet was made out of cardboard from what I could see of it. No clue what the blue thing is though. Makes me wonder if he can see out of it... I really hope he won something for his efforts..[/way too long]
Grell and Madame Red really should have won something too. I saw them together from across the mainhall and flatout ran to them. Fuck the fact I was in a dress that was way too goddamn short for my liking. Seriously, if I reached above my head, OH GOD LOOK AWAY NOW, YOU'LL BE BLINDED! Anyway, as I was saying, in person, their costumes were fantastic. They both had amazing contact lens in and Grell even had the pointed teeth!
SSBB group~ Only three characters though which is a bit upsetting. The Snake was a girl. XD John, the MC made some awesome comments to her: "I like your beard. 8D And... I like that you're a girl." Then he asked for his neck to be snapped and she did it. xD
Angelic Layer, I think. She was so amazingly pretty. ;_; Does she count as hot, Seritoph? I thought so. Dunno about you, you weirdo. <3
Kanda. About the only decent DGM cosplayer I found on either day. :/ Her skit involved some awesome-looking swinging of the swords and when asked where she learned it from she replied: "Youtube." xD
Does Shiek float your boat, Seritoph? I think she's real pretty too. <3

Day 2: Sunday

Our "Pizza Hut" box. 8DD I actually carried the thing around afterwards and posed with it and stuff. Not sure what Kallen would be doing with the box, but oh well.
Om nom nom tiemz.
When we first tried ordering from Pizza Hut, the guy who cosplayed Zero made the order, and when they asked for a name he paused for a while and then said "...Let's say 'Zero'.." Everybody listening in just lol'd.
Domo-kun~ The guy in it could hardly walk. XD
Suzaku and Euphie. <3 Sucksthat Suzaku's eyes were closed. DDD: These two were the ones who did Grell Slutcliffe and Madame Red the previous day. :3
Fuckawesome Nero cosplay. No, not Neuro. I WISH there was a fuckawesome Neuro cosplay there... ;_; But anyway, she won the award for best craftsmanship. The detail on both the sword and the costume itself was like a mindgasm. The day before, she cosplayed as Sebastian. <33 I saw her as I was walking to get in line. 8D
Haruko smacking John over the head. 8DD He asked for it, literally.

There aaaaaren't too many photos of me around as of yet (perhaps you ought to consider yourslf lucky. Your monitor might explode if a picture of me appears. ;3), as not many people have really uploaded their photos yet and the ones that have, don't have me in them. I didn't take any of myself using my camera either. D: Nat has some, but I dunno when she'll upload them. AND SHE ALSO RECORDED YESTERDAY'S COSPLAY COMPETITION SO WHEN I RECIEVE A COPY, I CAN SHOW YOU ALL THAT GUY WHO COSPLAYED ZERO. GOD HE WAS JUST.... STRAIGHT FROM A GIRL'S FANTASIES, I TELL YOU. *_* I think that girl was his girlfriend though. ;___________________; Whhhyyyyyyyyyyyy? Not to say I really had a chance at all, I'm just whining because I can. 8DD
I think I actually saw him again on the second day. He wasn't cosplaying, though he DID win a prize in the.... wait for it.............waaaaaaaaaaaiiiiiiiiiiiiiitttttttttt. YUGIOH TCG COMPETITON. xD LOL, RIGHT? I admit I used to be... err... serious about the game, but not now. Our CG group's Zero cosplayer was also in the tournament so we hung out in the room for a while; I can't believe I didn't see him in there. D: Speaking of that room, I actually left my bag in there as we left. I realised about 10 minutes after, when I wanted to buy something... and I ran back, hoping to god it was stil there because it had... you know, a fair bit of money in there.... as well as my brother's toy gun. 8'D He'd probably want that back. 8'D

...the bag was still right where I left it. o-o I was SO glad everybody in that room was too much of a nerd to bother about someone's unattended bag. Bless you nerds, each and every one. 8D;;;

....I should stop typing now, it's kind of been a long time....

EDITS: One last thing.  Is it bad that I've already decided my next cosplay and have started concept sketches already? NEUKO NOUGAMI, ANYBODY? FUCK YES.

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