Title: Sadame no Ito :: Snapping Threads
Chapter: #8 of The Long Chain Cycle
Author: Cross (
Band/Pairing: DBSK, w-inds, alicenine., LM.C. - implied
Keita, past
AijixChangmin, implied
Hiroto30emotions Prompt: #30: Wrath
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: injudicous flailing of the angst mallet?
Word Count: 4314
Summary: When a private affair becomes semi
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Comments 15
Ex machina, Yunho and Jae is not together here right? Does Yunho have any feeling for Jae? Or does Jae has any feeling for Min? Jae and Min was just together for sex?? Min doesn't want to risk their friendship, that's why he started to er, sleep with the others? I'm confused!! Can explain?
I should just say 'read the fic again, it's all there' ... but I'm feeling nice or something. XD So yes, there is no JaeHo right now, though they both have feelings for each other. Yunho's been pushing Jae away for the sake of not endangering the group. Jae loves Min, but it's the love of a dear friend, not the same as his feelings for Yunho. And Min knows it, so some of the finding others is not wanting to risk ruining things with Jae and the band as a whole, some of it is wanting to stop feeling like he's taking advantage of Jae.
Poor Min..I hope he'll work things out with the group though..I wouldn't want him to leave the group..they belonged together....
I hope to see some Jaeho in future though...
Avex are the ones flipping out, way more than SM. Both were informed via Pony Canyon, but I'm not sure how PC found out.
But why are they flipping out so totally? If PC told them, then they didn't find out through gossip mags...plus it's over already, so it won't BE in the gossip mags.... I really don't see the huge issue there.
Okay, so it's plot contrivance.
Um, I'd say more, but it'd spoil the plot. >_>
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