(no subject)

May 28, 2004 12:47

I gotta lot stuff to say, and stuff about what I think. NOTE: WHAT I THINK. Just please don't post anonomously saying "Wtf r u stupid?" or something along those lines. That's just kinda retarded. First are for most, I'de like to apologize ahead of time, in case I begin to curse like crazy, or bash things into nothing.

Ok so basically for my first subject, I'm going to talk about these two different subjects that I have seemed to locate over time. The two different things are "Mainstream hardcore" and "Hardcore". Now, as I have seen over the past few shows, and months, alot of people are turning mainstream. Everything in general is turning mainstream. "Let's wear our sister's pants, listen to screaming - NOW WE'RE HARDCORE!" I admit, I have alot of piercings, and I plan on tattooing myself up, and not everyone who does that is Mainstream, it was just an example. I know numerous people who are that way, and are as hardcore as hardcore can be. I stated a little bit of this a couple entries back, but I kinda wanna get into it more.

hard-core also hard·core (härdkôr, -kr)adj. - Intensely loyal; die-hard - Stubbornly resistant to improvement or change...and that was brought to you by, and proudly by, dictionary.com.

Now let's begin with the "adj." This is short for adjective. Adjective meaning a "descriptive" word. No where in the definiton of Adjective is it short-term/trendy. Now, I know, I haven't been Hardcore all my life, I am the first to admit that, but, I don't plan on leaving/backing down any time soon. No one has been it their whole life, people fall into it. But if your, and here is the next part, "Intensely loyal" then once you fall into the genre that is good for you, you stay, no matter what it is, and when people threaten it, you fight back. When people try to move in, who do not fit these categories, you fight back. When people try to diss you, critisize you, etc. over what it is you believe or feel if your loyal, you stand up, and don't let them, but i reasonable terms, this whole weapon carrying, I got brass knuckles thing is a little too crazy. Now, moving on to the girls. This is one of the biggest subjects that has somewhast driven me to insanity. Girls coming into the scene, and coming to the shows, because the guys are "Hot". The guys, who are Mainstream, of course, are like yeah, wow, look at me, they are here to look at me! Now, true - hard-core also hard·core (härdkôr, -kr)adj. guys, would push the girls out of the way and make it to the pit.

No one should really care about the girls, not saying they don't make good friends, or good "talking" something or whatever you wanna call it, but I'm just saying, why not just do what you wanna do, stay true to what you believe, and let the girl who comes along, and accepts that your this way, come along, and you accept her back. The whole girl thing is really crazy. I admit, there are alot of true, hardcore girls out there, but most of them just go to the show, get their feelings hurt because no attention is paid to them, and they just get in the way, get drop kicked in the face, cry, and make everyone tend to their needs, which is so gay, and so .....GAY!

What else should Dustin make fun of and scream about, let's think.....Ah...yes...fakes. I would actually have to say, Fakes, and posers, are number one on my hate list when it comes to being/staying true. "Im sXe Im sXe Im sXe....Beer? Yeah dude sure." See, people find this as a trend, and this is where the true hardcore community should come together, and unite. Unite you say? perhaps Unity?
  1. The state or quality of being one; singleness.
  2. The state or quality of being in accord; harmony. The combination or arrangement of parts into a whole; unification. A combination or union thus formed.

Ah, it's all so beautful, anywho, this is where the true people need to step up, and shut this down. This is where the true people need to, as stated, unite as one powerful force, and shut the fakes out. Basically these "hardcore" people, who claim to be, but once are amde fun of for it, will jsut accept it, and not fight back, people, need to be shut out. They honestly, and I hate to say it, but they honestly need to be put in their place.

This is the end of Dustin's I hate Mainstream Hardcore chat, so yeah girls, go ahead and call me an asswhole, and all you others out there that have to make themselves feel big by anononously posting, and such, go for it. All I'm saying, throughout this whole thing, is that Hardcore needs to unite, and come together, and cut the fighting out of the picture, and at the same time, cut the mainstream out of the picture aswell.
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