have you ever had one of those outsider days where you just kind of stand back and watch the world?
it really puts things in perspective... OBSERVATIONS:
- today at school i walked past a row of computers and every single screen had myspace on it. (I can't say too much because i'm on livejournal right now being a bigcupolamesauce)
- on my way to class i repeatedly counted from 5-0 to see how long it took for me to find someone on their cell phone.. i never got past 4. i wonder what would happen if we took everyones cell phones away... i bet the mental institutions would be full of people going crazy. Then someone would invent some new medication that would numb you and "make it all better".
- while i was walking through the grass the sprinklers turned on... and i kept on walking. Who cares if we're wet. who said it's not ok if we have moisture on our clothes and god forbid our hair get a little crazy. OH NO.
- today in my feminism class i was taught that "women are like birds in a cage made by men". and that we shouldn't change our last name to our husbands because we are an individual, they don't own us. oh and send your children to day care because you are a women and it's not your job to take care of them. geeze! I say be a mother, be a wife, have a job, be loving, be considerate, be emotional, be compassionate, be amazing, BE A WOMEN, be happy!! it's really not that hard.... dang feminazis!
- something as simple as croutons and ranch is just so good. i swear the basics, that's where it's at.
- people amaze me. they can be so inspiring, or just dreadful. or sometimes they just seem not to exist. who decides which one they are? our own perception of it all? or are they really that way? and why? and why is someone that seems so sweet so grouchy sometimes? are they just mean and bitter and they try their best to act sweet and civil? or do they just have something bad going on? if they do.. what is it? what's so bad that they'll waste a day of their life being miserable. JUST SMILE. why does everyone walk around frowning look at the ceiling if you have to it really makes everything so much better. (someone once told me that and i swear it works :] )
(sorry if i lost you on that one)
- can someone please help me? why is partying cool? why does everyone do it? what's the attraction to it? man-ho's, sluts, barf, std's, rape, pregnancy, death, strangers, hang-overs.. oh wow you got me, dudebro i'm totally partying tonight.
- i've never seen the oc or laguna beach..... haha why is that such a phenomen.
ok this is getting boring.. and it could take hours. so i'm done now. my apologies if that was stupid, boring, lame, obvious, or whatever.. but you could have stopped reading at any time : ) you all have a wonderful day... and smile remember things can always get worse. live for the moment and LOVE. like crazy too... love anyone and everyone, unconditionally. like he does..
"you should love one another. Just as I have loved you" -john 13:34
p.s. i'm taking my lip ring out. it's the most annoying thing in the world. i'm pretty much over the whole decorate your face thing. it's a face, not a christmas tree. you live and learn. advice: don't pierce your face. it's bad news. and it hurts bad. really bad. love your face loverfaces.