But even with all this excitement to keep the men busy, tension is high and nerves wear thin.
"I tell yeh, there's someone naughty on board. The Black Peter will come for him and take us all down to the old place!"
"What's a Black Peter, then?"
And no one is kept more busy than Jack. Ship's discipline must continue, holiday or not.
"You there! You've been naughty!"
"You ought to tip their eggnog over the side."
There are lists to be made, checked and double-checked...
...the men's letters to Santa that need replies...
...all amidst constant interruptions.
"O COME, ALL - are you ready?"
"Oh, you're going to start?"
"You can start."
"No, no - you go."
"What's the note?"
"All right, ready? O COME -"
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