It's apparent that someone has been naughty - but who? At times, holiday stress brings out the worst in people.
"Is it true, sir, what Mr. Calamy says? That Santa left us because of Mr. Hollom and has now joined the French, to give them all of our presents? If so, I shall join the French also."
So Calamy has been playing on the innocence of his shipmates and spreading scandalous rumors. Furthermore, Williamson has been caught lounging on the quarterdeck...
...and Boyle has taken to cutting people's necks for amusement.
Meanwhile, Jack is frantically searching his cabin for a missing treasure.
"Stephen! Have you seen my sticks? I don't know where they've gone!"
"To the captain, I would say that there are few things I detest more than an informer... but one of those few things is a thief of natural history specimens."
Someone has been amusing his friends by play-acting various dramatic injuries, demonstrating a complete disregard for natural history and personal property.
Something must be done! Both Santa and the Articles of War require that naughtiness be checked. And if they suspect that Santa will not come, the crew may mutiny.
So Jack casts the worst gossip adrift for a while... the other youngsters a stern scolding...
...cuts off the arm of the thief (but without rancor)...
...and issues the annual Christmas bonus.
"This year, an extra ration of EGGNOG and a fruitcake for each man and boy!"
"Huzzah!" Naughtiness has been punished, virtue rewarded, Santa appeased, fruitcake supplemented, Hollom preserved, mutiny avoided, and Christmas is merry again!
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