name: julieanne but people call me jules =)
age: 15
zodiac sign: leo
location: new jersey
status: taken <3
Favorite Movie: School of Rock, Mean Girls, or The Hot Chick
Favorite Band: Yellowcard, Maroon 5, Simple Plan
Favorite Singer/Artist: Ashlee Simpson or Jay-Z..i'm into any type of music
Favorite Book: Cather in the Rye- J.D. Salinger
Favorite Actress: Julia Roberts
Favorite Actor: Ashton Kutcher, Tom Felton, or Adam Sandler
Favorite Store: i'll shop anywhere really.. i don't really have a favorite but i guess i have a lot of stuff from American Eagle.
Favorite thing to do on weekends: hang out with my friends, shop, or go to the movies
Favorite Hangout: my house or the mall
If you had one wish what would it be and why? i think my one wish might be to be able to stop time at will because i personally don't think i appreiciate what happens around me and i wish i had the ability to be for once be able to stop and look around.
Who is your role model and why? my grandma because she was faced with a lot of things in her life and she always tried to get through things and make everyone around her happy by always smiling. Also when i was younger, she gave up a lot of her time to take care of me while my parents were working.
Your veiws on
Your future?- i'm not really sure what i want to do or be when i grow up, but i know i want to go to college..hopefully university of pennsylvania. i try to look in the future but i also try and live in the moment and take everyday as it comes
Abortion?- i agree with abortion but i disagree with some of the reasons that people have it. i think that a woman has the right to chose wheather is she is emotionally and finantially ready for a child. also, if the woman was raped or anything along those lines and did not chose to get pregant than an abortion might be necassary, but if you get pregnant because you were careless than i dont think you have the right to take away another life into the world.
Religion?- im personally catholic and go to a catholic school but i am not against any other religion at all. everyone is entitled to their beliefs =)
War?- i dont think war is the answer to anything... i mean i think most civilized people would be able to sit down and at least try and talk things through. also war always just creates more tension so i don't feel any point in it at all
Same Sex Relationships?- PRO...you can't help who you fall in love with. if you love somebody and they have the same feelings for you then not one person has any right to tell you that that isn't somebody you are allowed to date or marry because it isn't correct in the eyes of certain people
Cosmetic Surgery?- if people have the money and really feel the need to change the way you look then go for it. but i think everyone needs to do their research and learn the risks before they do anything like that.
Fake People?- i feel bad for them because they obviously don't know how it is to be loved for who you are
Fat People?- there is definately nothing wrong with fat people espcially if it's a genitic problem. i recently read the book the little prince and it had this quote that caught my attention..it was " One sees clearly only with the heart. Anything essential is invisible to the eyes"..so i think that it doesnt matter the way they look and yoi should still try and get to know their persoanlity
Ugly People?- people are never ugly. even if you are un-attractive on the outside youre personality can still be the best in the world. you can't be ugly unless you convince yourself you arnt.
This or That
coke or pepsi? neither i dont like soda lol
chicken or tuna? chicken
ice cream or milkshake? hmmm both? lol kidding usually i'd choose ice cream over a shake
simple plan or good charlotte? simple plan !! but good charlotte isnt bad either
ashlee or jessica (simpson)? ashlee
candy or soda? candyyy.. i love candy
bath or shower? i guess it depends on my mood...but right now shower
looks or personality? a little but of both is best
music artists or actors? actors
2 pictures of me =)
me and my friends at school (im the one in the middle)
same people lol (im the one in the red on the far right)