new, yo

Jul 21, 2004 23:32

The Basics

name:: Jean
age:: 16 (17 in aug.)
zodiac sign:: leo
location:: houston, tx
status:: single


Favorite Movie:: mean girls (of course) but i am also a big fan of finding nemo
Favorite Band:: simple plan and story of the year. (i couldn't decide)
Favorite Singer:: ashlee simpson. (i'm starting to like her more, and i think that she's someone who ACTUALLY has skills)
Favorite Book:: Lovely Bones
Favorite Actress:: Kirsten Dunst
Favorite Actor:: orlando bloom
Favorite Store:: wet seal
Favorite thing to do on weekends:: movies
Favorite Hangout:: starbucks
If you had one wish what would it be and why? i know this sounds corny, but i wish for world peace. i can't stand the fact that there a war going on right now and that many innocent people are being killed. not to mention the people who have been beheaded. i just can't believe what the world has come to.
Who is your role model and why? halle berry.. after i saw 'driven' on vh1, i was just like "wow" and saw her in a totally different perspective.

Your veiws on

Your future?- oh gosh. it looks pretty dark right now.. i mean.. i don't even know what i want to be or which college to go to.. hopefully it will turn out okay.. *crosses fingers*
Abortion?- I'm 50/50 on this. I could understand why someone would get an abortion. If they were raped, or if they would be in physical danger if they decided to have the child. I have no sympathy for people who conceived a child by sleeping with your boyfriend and are not ready to have a child. They were fully aware of the consequences, and yet still decided to do it. So just deal with it.
Religion?- I don't have a huge problem with religion. I think that it's rediculous that there are religious fights/wars. Who are you to say that everyone should follow your religion?
War?- I HATE IT! As i mentioned before. I hate the fact that thousands of lives are getting killed for some stupid thing they're ruler decided to do. Can you imagine sending your son to war and find out that he got killed? I just wish that there was some other way to solve foreign conflicts.
Same Sex Relationships?- I am for it. I have many homosexual friends. They are no different than my heterosexual friends. It's their life, if they want to be with someone of the same sex, then fine.. Go for it. Who are to to stop them from being happy? Just because you BELIEV that it's wrong? Stay out of their business. They're not your kid, and probably not even related to you. So why do you care so much?
Cosmetic Surgery?- I know many people think that this is wrong, but I see noting wrong with it. I mean, if a person has been unhappy for a long time of their looks, why can't they find happiness by fixing it? And what if you were burnt badly? Would you like to see the scars from the horrible accident everytime you look into the mirror? Some people take it to the extreme but fixing practically everything. If you have the money for it, go ahead.
Fake People?- UGH! HATE THEM! I don't understand why people want to pretend to be someone that they're not just to be accepted among their peers? Be yourself. Can you imagine a world full of people who are all the same just because they think that it's cool?
Fat People?- As long as your happy with yourself, I have nothing against you. If you just hate being fat and complain about it all day, go to the gym hunn! I'm chubby (although most people don't think I am b/c i don't wear tight clothes) and I'm proud of it. If my friends can't accept me b/c of that then eff them!
Ugly People?- They shouldn't feel like they're little ants when they stand next to attractive people. Be happy with the way you look.

Promote us one time and link where-
[Please include 2-3 pictures of yourself] These aren't the best of me, but it's all i have right now..

sorry the last one is soo big. I tried to resize it, but my photoshop isn't working.. =(
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