This is what I posted on...meangrrls or something:
- giggels - This is gunna be greaat...
Name: Benjamin Allen Basile [Um. My parents wanted me to have a strong character and sense of individualism as a result of incessant teasing.]
Age: Seventeen. [No, really, I just act like an immature five year-old!]
Location: Tyler, Texas
Why do you want to join this community? Why not?
Why do you think that you are worthy to join us? I can bench-press 215 lbs, run three and a half miles in 19 minutes, jump on a pogo stick for an half hour straight, do the dishes, take care of the kids, AND have dinner ready when you come home! =D you're beautiful and I'm sensitive. :X
Promote meangrls on Live Journal.
Were you invited? if so, by who: Heh, no, but I was linked here by tricki_pixie, but I dare say she imagined me to go this far. =P
And I did it on the rockmypantysoff community, heres the post, just for shits and giggels:
You all suck and I'm only using this post to advertise a community: meangrls
And way the by: None of you could rock my panties off. Even if you had a 12-foot, vibrating dildo that shook so ferociously it caused all the Richter Scales in California to go haywire and those crazy street preachers to proclaim the Second Coming.
Yeah. Because you un-rock that much.
Not Sincerely,
Ben Basile [I pwn j00 all]
What are your views on:
gay marriages: Okay, I'd just like to start of and say I'm a very weird person. [As if you couldn't tell.] But here we go...
Gays. Flamers. Homos. Fags. I love 'em. Okay, not really, but I have no problem with them. I have a few gay friends, and I treat them no differently than my hetero ones. Thats the way it should be. I belong to the Episcopal church, we ORDAIN gays as priests... do I think it's right? Homosexuality? I really can't say. I am not gay myself, thus I cannot say it feels wrong to be gay, since I like, uh, do girls.
Whether their "wrong" or "sinning" or not, everyone needs love. And how many people do you know have been gay and are no happy not being gay? Exactly.
racial profiling: Racism = ignorant hatred and hypocrisy. Sadly, most of the human race consists of absolute idiots [not excluding myself] and these said people give other people very good reasons to be hateful, but at the same time, thats no excuse. But racism, homophobia, and other ignorant hatreds will never truly go away. We're all human. We're all imperfect.
premartial sex: BAD! BAD! BAD BAD BAD BAD BAD!
And, no, I'm not a virgin. =/ I wish I was.
To those of you who are: SAVE IT. 90% of guys are assholes, and the other 10% just hide it very well. Even if you love him or you think he loves you, SAVE IT. I regret it so much that I didn't. It REALLY isn't all that, UNLESS it's with a person you truly love...then it is soul-shocking. Plus, theres that whole pregnancy and STD thing. Ew. :x The chick I fucked... I had known her for...a week? I did it half because the girl I loved went off and did the same thing not too long after we broke up, it was in retaliation. How fucking stupid is that? And I know I'm not alone.
If, say, you do, and you regret like me, theres always that whole secondary virginity, which is better than being a slut, but not as good as saving it.
Or you can take that whole "sex is gross!" approach and just live to become old ladies with, like, a hundred cats. Then I'll mow your lawn and stuff and you can fantasize lustfully about me in my old-man khaki-shorts-and-suspenders combo. Ooo yeah.
plastic surgery: Eh, shake what'cho momma gave ya.
I'm a big appreciater of natural beauty. We all have things we don't like physically about ourselves, but it's so much more important to correct our inside fallacies. I really don't care, if you want a tit job, and you have the money, and it's not mine, go for it.
But boobs don't have to be huge to be nice. :x And it's our physical flaws that make us beautiful anyway. Some people think overbites are cute, etc. I don't, but theres been many a time when I genuinely think a girl is pretty and others are like, "dude, ew, wtf, she looks like week-old roadkill after a nuclear holocaust." I'm just like, "hey man, more cush for the push."
But, truley, beauty is in the eye of the beholder. I don't go off and waste thousands of dollars to look good, 'cause theres many people out there that you don't know who envy you, who want you, etc.
'Kay, 'nuff of that. :D
cosmetic line- Um... Orion's Belt? [bonus points to whoever gets this.]
hair product- I spike my crimson locks. I just use the strongest hair gel out there - that or cement.
store- Hmmm. I work in a video game arcade, and am a huge game nerd... but I like Hot Topic. [and don't give a fuck whether you think I'm a "poser" or whatever. You kids these days are too concerned with the whole labelling thing. Prep, punk, goth. Look at people as individuals, don't stereotype, it's the same thing the KKK and Nazi's did.] Any store with Chinese f00d and/or chocolate I love.
clothing line- Really, really big pants. [Bleh, I don't pay attention to labels.]
Bleh. Concering that... I met this really cool chick I like and she really likes me too but she hates my huge pants, so I'm not wearing them anymore. -.- Bleh, I'm a conformist whore for a girl. How novel. =/
style of clothing - Rockish. I just throw on a well-fitting t-shirt, some jeans, studded belts, sneakers, my jewlery, and go out.
1. If you were stuck on an island what 3 essentials would you need?
1) Hot Babe [Perferably gothic and redheaded.]
2) Infinite Supply of Sustanence. [Food & Water]
3) The City of Orlando, Florida. [Disney World included.]
2. We have just given you $100, what will you do with it? Put it in savings account, save up for car/college... or blow it all on CD's/video games/clothes. Bad Ben. :x
3. Oh, no! Someone wore the same outfit as you to school! That is so not fetch. What do you do?
Tell them they look hot, just not as hot as me. [Because I know they wore this just because they knew I would, as they worship me, with the rest of the world, and this will make their self-esteem soar.] After I tell them this, I throw 'em a wink, then skateboard out of there with a back-up band blaring for me, all very coolish.
Burn Book: (what do you have to say about the following?)
+ Oprah: My GrandDad is in your book club. You're kinda hot, and kinda old... and, um, I really never watch your show, but...go you?
+ Anna Nicole Smith: Wow. Like. New Definition of Whore. Whore 5000 +, Mega Addition. Typical ditzy blonde, attention whore, how I hate those. =/ She probably sold her soul to Satan, along with all that lard.
+ Paris Hilton: See above, only shes anorexic. I also think shes BUTT UGLY!!! I have no idea why so many people think shes hot. I mean... maybe shes sexy because her attitude and such, and I can actually appreciate that, but... bleh, I just don't think shes all that.
+ Kelly Osborne: Bleh. Just one more fuckin' spoiled brat media icon for little girls to follow mindlessly.
Describe yourself: ... I am a gorgeous red head with a few very, very good friends. O.o I am as intellectual as a seventeen year-old can be. I am a very deep thinker, very much a romantic, and very, very, weird. Sometimes I am so damn goofy you can't stop laughing. At me. Other times, I'm so damn serious I can kill with a look. No, I'm not bi-polar, just weird, as I said.
I also have to wake up in eight hours to go to work. Fuck.
So, g'night all. Yeah, this was just a joke, so have fun.
But it would still be uber-cool if you let me in. =P
- Ben
Oh, almost forgot, PICS! WOO! GO CAM WHORE NEB!
This is what happens when you give me a black magic marker: =)