Title: Our Romanesque
Pairing: Yasuba
Story: Shota is traped in a violent relationship he can't seem to get out of. Will Subaru be able to save him?
Led by Subaru, all five of us ran along a line of abandoned warehouses. He had insisted that he knows how Yokoyama operates, and promised us - specifically Uchi - that Ryo would still be alive, for now atleast. I couldn’t help but wonder why Subaru knew so much about Yokoyama.
Hiroki and I had known each other since we were three, and for as long as I’d known him he had always been a slow runner. But this time, he knew his lover was a the end of the finish line - and for the first time in 20 years he was running faster than me, almost overtaking Subaru who was supposed to be leading us.
Subaru came to a halt outside Warehouse ‘8’.
“How do you know it’s here?” I asked.
“Have you noticed how all the envelopes have a ‘¥ ’ symbol on them? It’s here, I’m sure of it.” Subaru answered.
Hiroki nodded with a fierce look in his eyes, and dashed out towards the dark entrance to rescue his lover - before being held back by myself.
“What are you doing? Ryo’s just in there, let me go!” he cried.
I brought my finger to my lips. “Shh! We have to do this carefully.”
Reluctantly, the tall boy stopped struggling, and we all followed Subaru’s lead, creeping up towards the entrance so we were close enough to peak inside.
Ryo had his eyes clamped shut, blood dripping from his forehead. The pictures didn’t lie - he was bound up as tight as possible. That was the first time I’d ever seen Nishikido Ryo in a vulnerable state - and it scared the life out of me. Their was no sign of Yokoyama though - or any of his Yakuza friends for that matter - and it was completely silent. The silence was so haunting it sent a shiver down my spine.
Subaru answered Hiroki’s whimper with a nod, and all five of us march in to save our beloved friend.
Ryo opened his eyes. “You found me!”
Hiroki ran up to his lovers bound body, gently kissed him.
“Everything’s going to be okay.” Hiroki assured him.
“Yeah I’m sorry guys, but we don’t exactly have the time for a romantic reunion!” Hina pointed out.
All five of us began tugging and pulling and even biting at the ropes, but they wouldn’t budge.
“They need to be cut, we need something sharp.” I said, looking around at everyone’s worried faces.
“I’ve got just the thing.” Subaru pulled out a metal guitar pick from his pocket, and started gently cutting through the rope.
“Can you go any faster?!” Maruyama exclaimed.
“I’m going as fast as I can! I can’t scratch the pick either!” Subaru fired back.
“I see nothing’s changed with you then. You’re still that same selfish bastard that only thinks of himself!” Maruyama shrieked.
“What are you talking about? I treated you like a princess!” Subaru yelled.
“If you treated me like a princess, you would have left me more than a shitty note when you broke up with me! Do you have any idea how much pain you put me through?!” Maru had tears in his eyes.
“If I’d had the choice, I never would’ve broken up with you - it was either that or your LIFE. You hear that? Yokoyama threatened to kill you, that was the only way I could say you. Do you get it now? Your boss is a manipulating blackmailing bastard. Okay?!” Subaru yelled. I had never seen him that angry before.
He turned his back on Maru and cut off the last rope on Ryo, who instantly flew into Hiroki’s arms.
“I’m sorry for everything.” Ryo cried into Hiroki’s shoulder.
“You’ve got nothing to apologise for, sweetie.” Hiroki soothed him.
“Yes I have. I’ve always been messing around with your head, unsure of my own feelings. But I know it now more than ever - I love you, Uchi Hiroki.” Ryo confessed as he dampened his lovers shoulder with his tears.
Hiroki replied with a kiss, “I love you too.”
I could hear Maruyama sobbing behind the touching reunion behind me, and I put my arm around Subaru.
I never knew the kind of pain he must have been going through, keeping such a haunting secret bottled up, a secret that had torn apart his love life.
A tiny fraction of me felt grateful to Yokoyama - if he hadn’t broken Subaru and Maru up, I wouldn’t have had the perfect lover. But then there was that huge fraction of me that felt guilty, knowing that right now, it should’ve been Subaru and Maru together.
“We should leave, before Yokoyama gets back.” Ryo advised.
We took his advice, and as we made our day home, I clasped my hand around Subaru’s, never wanting to let it go. If only I knew back then how little time I had left with him.