Emma: Defending Charles (Divisions within the movement)
November 25 2011, 23:03:08 UTC
Erik and Raven complain about Charles (his naivete, the invasive nature of his mutation/lack of boundaries, his unwillingness to use his powers against humanity to enact large scale change). Emma basically walks in, refutes their points/calls them out on their hypocrisy. This surprises them as Emma and Charles have never particularly gotten along.
When they mention it to her she says, "You wouldn't understand. You are not like us."
This bothers them. As believers of mutant pride and supremacy, they see themselves as defenders of mutant rights, protecting all mutants from harm, speaking on behalf of the oppressed. How could she possibly believe that they couldn't understand one of their own? Frankly, they also kind of resent that she (as they see it) is drawing divisions amongst them.
Emma schools them as only the White Queen could.
If you want to expand on this story/add any pairings that would be fine.
Re: Emma: Defending Charles (Divisions within the movement)crimsoncrowNovember 28 2011, 19:10:58 UTC
Duuuude, I started writing something like this for myself. I CRAVE this. And no, that's not me saying I would finish because I hate my writing and would prefer someone else to do it...
Re: Emma: Defending Charles (Divisions within the movement)crimsoncrowNovember 28 2011, 19:47:04 UTC
I take it back....Mine may actually fit well. I might be able to do this. But, I see Emma as, instead of getting upset and downright attacking, as being more amused and "awww, you think you know telepaths", and then schooling them while mocking them. If I can pull that off....is that OK?
Re: Emma: Defending Charles (Divisions within the movement)crimsoncrowDecember 1 2011, 03:52:07 UTC
...For the record, this is taking a while because I, as I said hate my writing, and will sit on this and read over it until I sort of like it. And I lost my beta, and she was for a different fandom anyway, so I wouldn't be able to ask if things sounded real or not.
........so this might take a bit, and may not be too great when it's posted. I'm hoping after posting someone is like "hey! I'll beta this!" and then I can post it again and have it be good. XD
Re: Emma: Defending Charles (Divisions within the movement)crimsoncrowDecember 1 2011, 04:08:51 UTC
...I have no idea how to check for a PM on here, by the way. My email and/or AIM address is on my profile on here though, if you want to just do that so I can get your address.
Re: Emma: Defending Charles (Divisions within the movement)ext_867881December 1 2011, 04:12:18 UTC
I think at the top of the page, where it says messages? Or just go to livejournal . com / inbox (didn't want this comment to get caught in the spam filter) I sent you a PM, but I can e-mail you too.
When they mention it to her she says, "You wouldn't understand. You are not like us."
This bothers them. As believers of mutant pride and supremacy, they see themselves as defenders of mutant rights, protecting all mutants from harm, speaking on behalf of the oppressed. How could she possibly believe that they couldn't understand one of their own? Frankly, they also kind of resent that she (as they see it) is drawing divisions amongst them.
Emma schools them as only the White Queen could.
If you want to expand on this story/add any pairings that would be fine.
........so this might take a bit, and may not be too great when it's posted. I'm hoping after posting someone is like "hey! I'll beta this!" and then I can post it again and have it be good. XD
.........the point is this may take a while.
(if you're interested, I'll PM you with my email address?)
I sent you a PM, but I can e-mail you too.
Just because she/he hears doesn’t mean that she can truly understand. It’s not like they’ve experienced these things themselves.
Wrong. It's not like reading a book. With the thoughts come everything; the emotions, and the pain.
Always so easy for him to say, he’s never had to hide.
Wrong. Emma knows that Charles has always hidden the true extent of his abilities.
….her, he promised never to read my mind…
…never had any regard for my privacy.
…personal thoughts, my secrets…
…never wanted anyone to know…
He never cared.
And so they go on and on…
Magneto's thoughts are blocked from her.
Emma doesn’t believe she needs to elaborate on that.
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