The Basics
Name: Raine
Age: 20
Gender: Female
Stamped as: Toad
Theme Questions
Let's all imagine you're part of one of the teams in the show, X-men, Brotherhood, etc. Here's the situation, you're thrown into the battlefield. Enemies left and right, coming at you. What do you do first?
I'd panic, I'm not good with confrentations... well I am in arguments haha but I'd either run and hide or just tottaly flip out and end up decking anyone that got in the way haha.
Your teammate is injured and needs your help! But they're surrounded by enemies. What do you do?
Well... I'd have to think of how I could help cus I don't think I'd be any good.. I'd get someone else from my team to help me as I doub't I'd be very effective on my own.
Congratulations, you managed to save them! However, now your archenemy and you are in a showdown. What would make you lose your cool during your fight with them? What happens?
My short temper.. I'd get fustrated pretty fast and tottaly lash out without thinking. I'd pretty much jump into a fight with them even if I had no chance, I just get abit stupid when really mad.
List three of your strengths and weaknesses:
I know how to hold my own one on one
I manage to avoid problems
I'm sneaky XD
Short temper
I'm sarcastic and snappy so that would bait people into wanting to smack me one.
Not that great under alot of pressure.
Do you mostly think with your head or let your emotions take control?
Very emotionly driven.. I get emotional pretty easy and it either causes me to have a real break down or tottaly lose it.
Do you prefer hand-to-hand combat or using weapons?
Using weapons cus I'm not a very strong person.
Are you more of a physical fighter or a mental/verbal fighter? Verbal, haha I'm an asshole when it comes to that.