The Basics
Name: Anastasia
Stamped as:Rogue
Theme Questions
Let's all imagine you're part of one of the teams in the show, X-men, Brotherhood, etc. Here's the situation, you're thrown into the battlefield. Enemies left and right, coming at you. What do you do first? Quickly analyze the situation, and then use whatever I come up with to take them down.
Your teammate is injured and needs your help! But they're surrounded by enemies. What do you do? I'd shout for any assistance and try to rush over to help them.
Congratulations, you managed to save them! However, now your archenemy and you are in a showdown. What would make you lose your cool during your fight with them? What happens? I'd remain rather calm at first, but I could get quite tempered as it went on. I'd eventually give all I had to defeat them.
List three of your strengths and weaknesses:
I am quite logical.
I'm unpredictable.
My sarcasm is a gem on it's own.
I can be far too shy
I lack people skills of any sorts
My sense of humor gets me into trouble.
Do you mostly think with your head or let your emotions take control? I usually think with my head, but if the right buttons are pushed, my emotions can take control.
Do you prefer hand-to-hand combat or using weapons? Weapons :D
Are you more of a physical fighter or a mental/verbal fighter? A little of both.