Name: Tiana Stirewalt
Nickname(s): Tia, T, Skyster (that's a family name for my middle name Skye)
Age: 20
Gender: Female last I checked lol
Would you like to rated as a girl, a boy or you don't mind either gender? Gender doesn't matter
Describe your personality: For the longest time I was a very shy girl during my years in Middle and High School. Not really one who wanted to get in direct confrontation. That sorta changed once I hit Junior year though where I found I have a very explosive personality sometimes in more ways than one. The long and short of it is this; I'm fair when I can be but, I have a tendency to goof off a little too much which ticks my friends off. I also if angered I'm not one to pull the punches literally. More often than not I take to being sneaky about my vengeance, valuing gathering information on the person and using it against them rather than beating the living hell out of them you know? Really though I can be all and all goofy, nice, slightly tricky, somewhat shy, and kinda eccentric.
Likes: Swimming, Hiking, Tae Kwon Do, Music, Haunted Places, Traveling, Comics & Anime.
Hobbies: All of the likes above plus writing and reading.
Dislikes: Obnoxiously rude people, bullies (it isn't fun being bullied), birds, bratty girls.
Strengths: I can think pretty fast when I have to. Fight or flight modes are not too hard for me to comprehend depending on the situation. I also have a pretty strong punch and kick to pack because of my martial arts training, and I ...and this may not be good...learned how to sorta play the field with people. Tricking them you know?
Weaknesses: If someone is screaming at me I freeze up, I don't know WHAT it is but I just freeze. There is that and when I DO get caught in a lie...I stutter and fumble.
Fears: Doomsday prophecies...don't ask and losing everyone.
Hopes/Dreams/Aspirations: Well actually right now I have two likes, I always liked Psychology and Ecology class. Which one to pursue a career one is the question.
Mature or immature? I'd like to think mature but sometimes my attitude betrays that.
Leader or follower? ....Follower though there are a few times I play McLeader Face LOL.
Hyper or relaxed? Both! If I am around people that I know and like, and we're all cool with each other I can be a bouncy person and very hyperactive. Other than that I just chill in my room.
Usually happy or usually sad? Sometimes both. It really depends on what would/could prompt me to be either.
Rule-breaker or goody-goody? I'm no goody-goody that's for sure but, I stopped breaking the rules in 11th grade. Though back when I did ...I did a lot of bad shit but not drugs or anything. More along the lines of pranks, school vandalism, pulling down someone's gym shorts on the track, that stuff.
Outgoing or anti-social? I'm outgoing to an extent because I'm not willing to wear my heart on my sleeve, that's dumb.
Favorite X-men: Evolution character and why? Nightcrawler. He seems so vulnerable and the most human despite his appearance. His attitude towards things and his fun-loving and playful nature is very appealing, especially in a series laced with brooding faces.
Favorite episode: The Toad, The Witch, and the Wardrobe.
f you could have the powers of any X-men: Evolution character, who would it be and why? A part of me really would dig having Quicksilver's powers. I mean running that fast? Especially if you could control it to an extent you'd be a whiz at track, and never be late for anything ever again.
Pictures: (optional, if you don't have any, just describe your appearance) The top pic is me before I cut my hair XD god I was pissy. The bottom? Me and my new haircut and a surprised look. My Dad and I Ninja Tiana! lol
How did you find
xmenevo_ratingBrowsing on LJ
Any else? Well I'm 5'5'' and a half....uh ...I play Soccer and Tennis? And some Basketball :D