How Claims Will Work

Nov 05, 2014 20:11

How Art Claims will work:
The art pieces will be going up in a members-locked post with comments turned off on Thursday, November 6th so everyone can get a chance to look through the art before the claiming begins. Prompts will be numbered, without the artist's name attached. Each prompt will include a thumbnail (which links to the full-size version), a short description, preferred pairings (if there are any) and ratings. Here is an example:


Rating: any
Pairing(s): Gen or Angel/Raven
Description: Angel with hair in her face.

Claims Begin:
Comments will be turned on at 9am PDT on Saturday, November 8th. When the Claims Post opens, authors will comment with their top 5 art choices. Mods will reply and inform the author of which piece they get, and the piece will be struck out in the claims post.

In the first round of claims authors will only be allowed to claim one piece of art. Claims will be first come first serve, and the prompts will be crossed out as they are claimed. If there are unclaimed pieces at the end of two days, there will be a second round of claims, wherein authors may claim a second piece to write for.

We cannot guarantee that anyone will get their first, second, or even fifth choice. Some pieces may be very popular, and it is natural to feel some disappointment if you don't get to write for something that really inspires you. However, please bear in mind the feelings of artists who will be reading the comments to the Claims Post as well; making comments along the lines of "I don't want to write for any of this" or "there's nothing good left" will not make any of the artists feel very good. If you've ever participated as an writer in a Big Bang challenge, I'm sure you can understand the anxiety that comes from having your work chosen quickly or not quickly at all. If all your choices have already been picked we will let you know and ask you to make a new comment with new selections.

Proxies: If an author cannot comment when they claims post first opens, they may preview the claims beforehand and submit their choices to a proxy. If a proxy is making a claim for themself as well, they must leave two separate comments, one stating their top 5 choices and one stating the top 5 choices of their friend.

Here is what the claims comment format will look like:
LJ Username:
Choice #1:
Choice #2:
Choice #3:
Choice #4:
Choice #5:

Multiple claims: Two or more authors claiming the same piece to write a story for will not be allowed until every single piece has been claimed. Only if every single piece has been claimed will we consider opening the pieces up to second claims.

After a piece has been claimed:
Artists are free to contact their author as soon as they see that their piece has been claimed. We will be posting a Author/Artist Matchup Reveals post and as well as sending email notifications to authors and artists, but that will take time for us to do so we strongly recommend that artists proactively contact their authors ASAP.

If you have any questions about the Claim Process, please comment to this post.

Taken from i_reversebang.

!round 3, !mod post

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