Name: Wade Wilson AKA Deadpool
Role in
plutoix: Head Janitor. Yes, really.
AGE: 30s-40s
ROLE IN CANON: He is the protagonist of his own series, but is more of a neutral anti-hero figure in the scope of Marvel Universe
FANDOM/MEDIUM: Comics :: Marvel Universe :: Deadpool/Cable and Deadpool
TIMELINE PERIOD: His series is very Nebulous, but we'll say the End of the Cable & Deadpool Run
ABILITIES: Healing Factor, Advanced Fighting Abilities, His abilities are of human capabilities except for his healing factor. Also the ability to break the 4th wall and yammer on constantly about almost nothing.
CHARACTER HISTORY: Wade Wilson's mother died when he was young of cancer. His father, on the other hand, was a military man, and was abusive towards Wade. He acted out as a teen, and was something of a street-boy, however, this part of his life did not last. When Wade got older, he was diagnosed with cancer, and was admitted into a program known as Weapon X. In this program, Wade was injected with the healing factor of Wolverine, but it did not activate. When in the program, Wade killed his partner, Slayback, which resulted in his rejection from the program.
He was transferred to a hospice called "The Deadpool", where the torture of inmates was commonplace. Wade was tortured and it is in this area where he was thought to have gone mad. When he was here, he began a relationship with Death. When he was there, another patient named Worm wanted to be killed, and so he did, thus sealing a fate in which the warden tore out Wade's heart. His thirst for vengence against Ajax started his healing factor, ensuring that he would live, but scarring his body, as the factor did not take to his body the way it should have.
Wade became a mercenary, taking on the name of the hospice. He went through several missions, acquiring friends and hostages, including one called Blind Al. During this time, he had fought Wolverine, gained aid from Alpha-Flight member Sasquatch to help fix his healing factor, and gained a teleporter. However, this was only the beginning of his biggest adventures. He was hired by the one-world church to gain a formula, and when it is delivered, he is stopped by the mutant Cable. Even though Deadpool was able to deliver the formula, which somehow cleared his cancer, Cable and Wade were turned to piles of goo, and when Cable attempted to bodyslide out of Wade, he was teleported too, linking Cable's teleportation machine (A spaceship!) to Wade's. After this, Cable and Deadpool were nigh inseperable, as Wade and Cable worked to first establish Cable's country of Providence.
However, this could not last with the Merc with a Mouth. Wade unfortunately had problems with killing, and was eventually expunged from Providence. Not long after this incident, Providence was attacked by the Hectacomb. This led to both the death of Cable (Wade's best friend after all of this time) and the destruction of Providence. Wade did a series of jobs for various figures in the Marvel Universe, including Dr. Strange, the Fantastic Four, and he even was sent back in time to aid Captain America and Bucky in fighting Nazis! After this, he aided many heroes in defeating a round of symbiote-infused Dinosaurs which attacked New York, and was given a gift from the future by Cable. Yes, Venom!Dinosaurs. He was then invited over to play Poker with Ben Grimm, signifying that he has finally been accepted by the Super-Hero community as one of them!
CHARACTER PERSONALITY: Deadpool's strengths lie in his indestructability, fighting skills, and his insanity. Yes, his insanity. While the healing factor is obvious, as is his skills with both a sword, gun, grenade, etc., his insanity is another matter altogether. His body has taken to the healing factor in a unique way, and therefore not just his body regenerates, but also his mind. He does not stay with one trend too long, and instead constantly reverts from one thing to another from one minute to another.
When in battle, the muscle-memory mercenary Taskmaster was under the impression that Deadpool always turned left, but because of the way his mind works, his fighting style isn't able to be copied, as he just doesn't stick with one trend for too long.
Deadpool has a wide range of weaknesses, however. Especially his insanity. Deadpool simply cannot concentrate. However, he also has a problem with violence. Before Cable was able to give his mind a small mend, Deadpool had problems with randomly killing people, for no reason whatsoever. However, he is also unstable. He brought a grenade to a bar. For no reason other than he wanted to bring it.
Deadpool also has a wide range of flaws. Not only his mind, but he is relatively unattractive, he has a slight stalker-esque personality when it comes to women, and is very loud and obnoxious. However, his ability to be obnoxious is also a strength, as his incessant rants and raves in the middle of battle have often distracted his opponents to making a mistake. Unfortunately, when applied to his usual day-to-day life, Deadpool's attitude and personality make it very difficult for him to even make the most fleeting of friends.