worst fucking day everrrrrr

Aug 02, 2005 20:17

good thing today was the best day ever!... or not.

this has to be one of the worst days in my whole life so far. mother and i had a deep conversation about life. i never had a convo like that in my life.. lets just say that she found out some things that i have done that i regret more than any-fucking-thing in my whole life. (steph you know what ( Read more... )

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Comments 3

falls_so_fast August 3 2005, 03:07:27 UTC

I think I may know what you're talking about. More than likely I do. But, just don't put yourself down cause at least instead of messing up again..you're doing something to change it. And that makes you amazing. <3 changa.


xmethodactingx August 3 2005, 14:26:57 UTC
i will have to tell you more about this situation sometime later where we can talk. i should have listened to you... but i dont know what was wrong with me? im changed now, steph. i promise that to you. changed in a good way. <3chims


falls_so_fast August 6 2005, 05:39:39 UTC
i fucking love you kristi bujouves


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