Anime Badges!

Jul 16, 2009 15:01

Hellos! Please help in this survey-research thing of mine!

What kind of fan merchandise would you like?
1) Badges
2) Bookmarks
3) T-shirts
4) Mini-weapons
5) Others (please specify)

And!~ From the following fandoms, which characters would you want on the merchandise?

KHR- Tsuna ( Read more... )

@anime, @dgm, @khr, @badges, @research, @naruto, @ouran

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Comments 1

nekoiixx August 12 2009, 10:54:02 UTC
I think T-shirts/posters and bookmarks. Badges are too common. Mini weapons are getting more common too.
Oh and um...Hibari =PP ukno...Allen, Twins, Sasuke,...etc.etc u know my favourites!
But i also suggest Deidara (coz he's so damn cool) and I think it'd be kewl to have Mukuro, Lavi and Kanda. Since my friends like them.


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