round one: rednecks. fuck rednecks. they think they are so fucking cool. when in reality they fucking smell, they so fucking judgemental, and obnoxious. i realize that everyone has their own opinions but they don't have to act like theirs are right or fucking impose them upon others. no opinion is right. that's why they are not called facts. (o·pin·ion (
n) n. A belief or conclusion held with confidence but not substantiated by positive knowledge or proof.-thank you so, everyone probably knows of the huge dispute in lunch today, and i do not feel as though i should elaborate on matters that are not of direct concern to myself. it just fucking makes me so mad that someone has to start shit over what someone likes or how they dress. who fucking cares? do these people have that much time on their hands that they have to stick their noses in other people's business. get a life, or get a hobby. take up bowling, write a poem, do something instead of mettling in other people's business. i also hate how they can just throw the word "freak" out like nothing. i really hate that word. what is completely normal to one person can be fucking weird to another. these people must be the most fucking ignorant people on earth. they have the nerve to make fun of other people when they can't even fucking use proper grammer. they fucking suck at life. they are some of the most stupid people in school, therefore they have no room to say anything about other people. i also find it very funny how billy bowman can wear an early november shirt one day, and then dress all out farmer the next. can we say identity crisis? find out who the fuck you are before you tell other people what they are.
Next victim: people who are so wrapped up in gossip and what's other people think. Not mentioning any names, because that would be a total contradiction to the statement above, but i sit by someone in nearly all of my classes who is highly guilty of this characteristic. is it not possible to function without knowing what goes on in people's personal lives. is it that hard to sleep at night if you don't know who's fucking who? can you live without talking about how you "can't believe that so-and-so wore that outfit"? LyKE OmG?!?! tell me what's cool so i can dive into the pool of self-torturing thoughts like these. maybe you should get out of mtv world and start to think for yourself. or is that too hard? it's just a suggestion.
round three: the school system. there's an overabundance of politics and favoritism in this school. if you manage to slither your way up the social ladder into cool territory, you're safe. but it's frowned upon if you look a little different, or dress the slightest bit out of the norm, and you're deemed a distraction. you know, because it's not possible for a "freak" to be intelligent. no one cares what is a distraction to the "weird" kids. as an example, a friend of mine was wearing a shirt that said the word "hell" in very small, barely visable print. hell is not even a bad word. it is said often by teachers, and read in language class. Needless to say, he got in trouble and had to turn his shirt inside out. yet cool kids with subliminal messages (ex. mount'n women, there's no appropriate way to take that), hooter's shirts, or skynard shirt with alcoholic references billboarded across their chests get no shit whatsoever. Even band kids get in trouble for wearing shirts that say "never a beat off", but that's only because they're "band geeks". there is so much critisism based on cliques in this school. it's so fucked up. the thing that irks me the most is teachers give the advice to "be an individual" and "don't follow the crowd". yet you get shot down with rules and boundaries as to how individualistic you can be. what teachers should say is "be an individual, but only within these borders". eventually there will be clones anyway but hey, teachers are never wrong. man, i can't even think of a solution to all of this shit.
and i'm spent. on that note i say fuck everyone.