
Jun 12, 2006 02:12

OOC: THANK YOU everyone for playing with me and dragging Averillix's sorry rear end out of the forest maze of doom. I mega apologize for the angst, but it was unavoidable and neccessary. x_X 11 pages of RP fun, though!

<> Deeper Into The Woods
As the woods grow deeper, so do they grow thicker and less mundane in variety, with many species of tree and scrub and brush thrown in, now. Off to one side, a small clearing gives way to the Japanese Gardens, and another broader, rockier trail leads down to the lake. Many hours can be carelessly dreamed away, here, in the comfort of Mother Nature's arms.
[Exits : [P]ath to the [L]ake, [J]apanese [G]ardens, and [B]ack Towards the [M]ansion ]
[Players : River, and Luke ]

The maze had gotten bigger, over the course of the day. The green lines along the ground which preceeded plant growth had begun to stem and creep out closer, and as it had approached closer to the path which headed to the lake, it was starting to grow taller, more ominous. The creator of this maze rests somewhere within it, though whether she's active or not is an entirely different story. The forests are alive tonight with the bright, neon green glow of luciferase, some of it stagnant, and some mobile - the latter from the fireflies naturally gifted its luminance.

He had turned off this path intent to go and try to explore the Japanese gardens. But instead, Luke was faced with.. rather thick foliage that went this way and that.. and the glow everything was giving off wasn't helping him feel much better. With a bit of a shrug, he proceeds to move along the 'walls' quietly, unaware of what's really going on. He lets the green light be his illumination, watching the ground and in front of himself carefully so as not to run into anything - or possibly - anyone.

River rummages through the leftovers from the prior meal, grabbing heaping helpings of everything not knowing what Miss Averillix enjoys for food, veggies, meats, and a mug thermos full of hot piping coffee. Sighing to himself that Nisa isn't going to be around for a whole week, stress, boredom, and other emotions as he mutters to himself on the walk down to the rather strange forest maze that so far he's avoided on his morning runs he walks briskly. When he gets there, he /attempts/ to try to find the heart of the maze as that's where Nisa told him that the depressed professor is hiding away. Finally he's done, with a loud shout he calls out, "Miss Averillix, are you out here?!?!?"

On one of the trees near the outer edges of the forest, there is a tree with an upward facing hand on it. From the food surrounding it, that was Nisa's usual drop point for Averillix's food. The sound of a tree falling over deeper toward the heart of the maze is audible, and, after sometime, footsteps; though where exactly they're going is unclear. Another luciferase-green line is drawn on the outer edge of the maze, curling itself around but... No clear sign of Averillix, yet.

A voice off in the distance. "Is someone out here?!" Frowning a little bit, Luke starts to feel a bit more uneasy as he moves around through the maze. He clears his throat.. and yells, again. But this time, it's more amplified.. not natural. Like a bullhorn. "Someone out here?!" he calls again, his steps and movement still careful.

"Miss Averillix, is that you?? I have some dinner for you, we haven't seen you for meals!!!" God that sounds stupid, even to himself, where the hell is she and why is she being so weird about this. Walking a bit further through the strangely glowing woods he finally finds the place Nisa told him about, the other plates and such still there. With a sigh he deposits the food on the tree and the thermos of coffee. Calling out again he shouts strangely echoing through the spooky woods. "Miss Averillix I left some food for you!!"

A sound similar to that of tearing is heard, and part of the maze opens, like a gaping wound. The figure that emerges from within - with the black and yellow racerback swimsuit top and the same pair of jeans she had been wearing Thursday - is Averillix alright, but her eyes glow a bright shade of green, irises, whites, and pupils all. She emerges nearest to River, and as she spots him leaving her food, she tilts her head. "Why would any of you brats care, anyway? Nisa's the only one that cares." The smell of azaleas emits heavily from her, and she winces, hearing Luke. "Who is that...?"

Voices. Around the corner. Female? Luke peeks his head around, frowning slightly.. and in the illumination, he spots River. And .. was that Nisa's teacher? He steps around the corner, blinking a little bit, taking her appearance into account.. He peers a bit more toward the two.. yep.. definately River and Aver. "Professor?.. What happened?!" He just sort of stares, and blinks, as he approaches, his mouth sort of agape as he moves closer to them.

Looking at Miss Averillix he takes in the strange figure, the glow of the eyes, the way she's looking at him with hostility, his face as well tightens with the beginning of anger within him. "How should I know, I just decided to do a favor for Nisa, she's gone for the week and asked if I could try to help you out. As for whoever that is probably someone who got lost just like I did." he states flatly not yet really taking in Luke yet.

Avex is still eyeing the coffee thermos. The woman walks over to it and, opening it, she sniffs at it. The contents are subsequently poured onto the ground, with a sniff. "Nisa knows I don't like coffee," she murmurs. It's in delayed reaction that she hears his commentary, and staring at River, her eyes narrow; a circle of bright green surrounds him. "If you're not helping a person to help them, and to only get accalaide from someone else, then don't f*cking do it." Her voice holds none of the warmth of her typical self; she turns to Luke, smirking softly. "Hello, Lucas." When she blinks, several small seedlings start to sprout up in the circle around River, slowly linking around his legs if he doesn't move. "Have you come to 'do favors for Nisa', too, or just stare at the freak and her labyrinth?"

"The.. freak and her labyrinth? ... With all due respect, what the /hell,/ Professor?" Luke takes a quick step back, frowning a little bit. "This is actually quite interesting. I'm guessing it's a Manifestation of your powers, ma'am?" he asks softly, the frown still there.. The little seedlings that're moving to trap River go un-noticed. Or else, he'd warn him. "You.. er, well, I was heading out to the Japanese Gardens to just relax a little bit, maybe trim on the bonsai tree." He's not lying.. he meant to go out that way, honest!

The seedlings themselves seem to be having a bit of a harder time growing upwards, even the leaves and sprouts within seem to be slowly bending downwards as if something weightier is starting to push them down. River, his dark eyes themselves glittering in the strange light glance over at Luke, then back to Averillix. "Miss Averillix, sorry you don't like coffee, then do as you just did and don't drink it. If you're pissed off don't take it out on me, I don't deserve that, and sure as hell don't take it out on someone who just got lost." he declares in a strange monotone.

Having been checking on the stables, it wasn't too difficult for Amara to notice the apparent lightshow going off in the woods. While she's not for certain, she's known someone fairly long enough to have a good guess who's around, so in she goes with a bit of care.. She hears things up ahead, though a little too faintly to make out what's being spoken.. She might as well give it a try, she thinks as she gets closer. "Avex? Are you out here?"

And as such, their lower walls are lightened and they begin to grow faster, thicker... Vines formed of tree roots. At this point, they're wrapped around River's ankles quite snugly, and don't show signs of easily being kicked loose of. River will be ignored for now, though, at least from the concious state of mind, and Averillix laughs - a soft bark. Then she nods lightly. The sound of someone -else- calling her name gets a rough exhalation, scores of flowers along the ground around her wilting and dying in an instant, and she reaches to put her hands up to her face. "Why can't you people just go somewhere /else/ and leave me alone? You seemed to have no trouble being concerned about my well-being before - /WHAT/, Amara?" Well. She recognizes the voice, at least. Amara's probably a turn or two around the maze from Avex et al right now.

"Y'know, this can't be healthy. In fact, I'm sure Doctor, then back to Aver. "Not to mention Doctor Grey probably can't find a sub for y'classes, y'know?" He gulps lightly, and then turns his head toward River again, clearing his throat. "River.. hey, dude, maybe this isn't a good time. Maybe we should go, eh?" He had noticed the seedlings tryin to grow up around the ankles now, and he was getting concerned. Had Avex gone bluddy mad, or something? Another voice, and he turns his head to try and regard it..."

"Y'know, this can't be healthy. In fact, I'm sure Doctor McCoy and Professor Cassidy'd agree with me." Luke glances at River, and then back to Aver. "Not to mention Doctor Grey probably can't find a sub for y'classes, y'know?" He gulps lightly, and then turns his head toward River again, clearing his throat. "River.. hey, dude, maybe this isn't a good time. Maybe we should go, eh?" He had noticed the seedlings tryin to grow up around the ankles now, and he was getting concerned. Had Avex gone bluddy mad, or something? Another voice, and he turns his head to try and regard it...

The light light in the back of his head, the little light that ignites River's power flares and suddenly the world looks different again, spacey and not quite right. Anger floods his mind as he see's he's trapped, power flares in his hands and he surges downwards with his hands while his mind surges upwards. The roots snap and break as intense gravitational forces smash down on them and he surges upwards unbound by gravity itself. "Damn it all to hell, yes. Yes I think we will be leaving . Why don't we leave now." he angrily snarls out. His eyes almost like pools of darkness swirling within them as he floats away out of easy reach from most of the branches.

With the maze being as it is, it's a blessing to Amara to have voices pinpointing where everyone else... The sharpness in Avex's tone only hastens her approach.. Whether she seems to want it, it sounds like she could use someone close by. "What's going on!?" she shouts, though for now there's still only pure concern in her voice.

Azalea scent intensifies, and those green eyes of hers instantly turn red. The branches in the upper canopies of the maze interlace with one another, and any entrance that had been taken in toward this point are instantly sealed, with new, strong trees. Seems like someone had been preoccupying herself lately. Averillix turns toward Amara, and she points a finger - shooting a line of luciferase between her and the other woman along the ground. "None of you /care/." Her voice is loud, almost shrill in its yell, and green tinted tears streak down her cheeks. "None of you care, not when I'm trying my hardest for you, or when I'm hurting, or when I'm /destroying my life/ so that I can make sure you all have good ones." The only light provided now inside the branches is that from the glow of Averillix's powers, evidenced around the area, and the lightening bugs. Claustrophobics are not in luck right now.

Ugh! He felt heavy, VERY heavy, for a moment... but then it was over, and Luke was panting. "River! You F*CKOFF! NOT COOL!" he cries out.. And then the trees seal up, and Avex begins to grow red-eyed. Uh oh. He stares toward Amara for a moment.. and then he notices the line. But there's nothing he can do if it's something bad. "Professor.. Professor! Please, calm down!" He shoots River a nasty look for a moment, but then his attention is turned back to Avex, and he frowns more. "Listen... Professor.. Please calm down.. There's no sense in this. Whatever's going on, and whatever's wrong, things will be better in the long run.. Just .. calm down. Please." He's trying in vain and he knows it. He also knows that he can't use his powers - they're not strong enough to combat the older mutant.

River looks again at the woman crying, the strangeness of it all, the way this world is almost as horrific as the last world from whence he came. Goddamnitall repeats through his own mind, echoing like someone else was saying it. That someone else pushes forward, past the bright glowing energy blazing through his mind now. "Miss Averillix, I don't think hurting yourself is going to do a darned thing for anyone, much less anyone you care about so why don't we just /all/ go inside and not try to hurt anyone." he appeals to the teacher he's only met briefly. Within the luminescence blood is trickling from River's nose, eyes, and ears and his breath is ragged and forced while he speaks.

"That's not true... You know that's not true," says Amara, just barely noticing what appears to be a line coming for her in turn.. She has NO clue what she's walked in on, other than it's quite serious.. Emotions are running high, and for her own sake, and probably everyone else's, the girl with the fire powers keeps herself calmed.. "Please.. Tell us what's wrong. Tell /me/ what's wrong. I'm not here to try and hurt you, alright?.." It's rather distressing to see someone she considers a friend and a teacher like this..

"It /is/ true, Amara." Averillix maintains the narrowed red gaze, and as River speaks, she points upward. "/SHUT/. Up." The roots wrap around herself this time, at her own feet, and Avex slams her hands against her ears. "He /died/. Because I did this all for all of you, and I'm not going to calm down. That's what you all ALWAYS say. You're always talking to me like I'm a child but not realizing that I'm /not/. I'm your teacher, dammit; at least you can respect me. For the things that I've done for you, isn't that something I can just expect?" The woman sinks to her knees, bowing her head and starting to cry, harder. "And they won't stop. All they keep doing is /talking/."

"Professor.." Someone died? Luke frowns a little bit, and he looks down at her as she collapses. He moves forward, almost carefully moving, almost afraid to. Would she attack him? A hand is put down on the woman's shoulder as he leans down a little bit. "If I didn't respect you at this point, ma'am, I don't think that I'd be talking to you. And neither would she," he remarks, apparently referring to Amara.. He says nothing more, but he steps back a bit, and looks down at her still. "Lets get out of here.. eh ma'am? Lets get you back to the Mansion.. find Professor Grey.." he urges.

River has mixed emotions along with the light headed feeling in the base of his skull as another flood of blood drips down onto the woodland floor his own contribution to the nutrition of nature. "Ya, why don't we leave now..." his voice a singsong as he begins wavering in the air.

Amara blinks.... "Who?..." Whether or not Avex might take offense to her coming closer, she does regardless, maybe throwing a little caution to the wind by doing so... She bends down to try and put herself to the other's level, looking towards Luke and River briefely before turning her attention back to her again. "I wouldn't be here if I didn't care. You've all been like a family to me here. I don't know what I'd do if.." She sighs, trying to keep herself from getting upset, but the situation is starting to affect her as well. "I'm only talking because I don't know what's happening. I'm worried for you.... Who died?" She's almost afraid to hear the answer, really..

Averillix is quick to shake her head, peering back and forth between Luke and Amara. River is cut out of her mind right now, at least as far as perspective goes. "The plants say that I need them, and that they need me. They understand me, and so I need to stay with them." She sighs, and the roots around her legs instantly die off as she stands, starting to back up into the forest maze again, reopening the exits and entrances from which people came. "He died. Brendan died. And it was all my fault." Eyes turn green again, lilted white in sorry, and behind her, some of the trees start to open.

"I'm sure if you gave us all here a chance to try and understand, we could.. and probably better than the plants," Luke remarks carefully. Glancing around, he notices the trees starting to open, and he considers. He didn't have his panic button - for once - he didn't think he'd need it in the woods, let alone on the grounds.. He chews on his lip for a moment. "Will you walk back up to the mansion with us, Professor? At least go to see Doctor McCoy, and let him check you out." He glances at Amara, and is officially out of pleas. If she's got an ace up HER sleeve, she'd best use it.

River falls to the ground with a muffled umph as his face is planted in the ground, pushing himself upwards with feeble ragged breaths he kneels on the ground totally spent the light within him gone replaced with pain, and suffering wracking his body. Looking up at the woman he gasps out, "It's not you're fault, it's, it just sometimes happens, now...please...let's...go." He pushes himself with effort and stands up wobbling slightly the trickles of blood still there.

Amara remembers that name and that person, and the revelation hits her as a bit of shock. "What???" The look on her face shows it as well.. As Avex stands, so does she, having the intent to go after if she's doing what she thinks she's doing.. "Don't..." It seems she's not able to take much more of it. She's getting nervous and afraid, her temperature already getting quite warmer, and it's an early warning sign for her to try and calm herself. She's better at control, but not perfect.. With the situation getting further out of hand, she finally brings a hand up against the collar of her shirt, a certain trinket underneath being pressed upon meant for emergencies..

Walter sighs softly, attempting to navigate through the maze with food in tow. He thought /Mari/ was reclusive. Oh well, Nisa asked him to check up on the teacher, and so he will. Taking the directed shortcuts, he enters, announcing, "Hey Ms. Montague, I brought food." He stops in his tracks though, looking around at the chaos before him, his rather disturbingly wide grin faltering just a bit, replaced by equal parts confusion and concern.

Averillix is shaking her head, slowly, those glowing green eyes of hers lidding somewhat and her brows furrowing. "It's not right. None of you /get/ it. None of you -appreciate- me. They do. Just leave me here." Averillix's mind is not a pretty place at the moment, and as the woman hears her name called again, attention faulters and the opening behind her shuts again. The name McCoy causes her to bite on her lower lip, more tears coming forward before she starts to yell, panicked. "Walter! Walter, make them all go away! Tell them to leave me alone!" She points to Amara and Luke and River, green trails again springing up from her gestures.

"None of us appreciate you." As the line is repeated, Luke glances at Amara for a moment, noticing the movement. What is she doing? He glances back at Aver. "Professor, c'mon. You know that's a lie, or Amara'd not be standing here trying to talk you back up." Hearing Walter approach, he glances back.. and sort of ... waves toward him. "Or Walter back there wouldn't be bothering to bring you food," he remarks. "We don't appreciate you. We don't care about you." He frowns a bit. He wants to say the word 'bullsh*t' so bad, but he can't bring himself to. He's afraid of pissing her off again.

It takes more than a few minutes between Amara touching her panic button and Jean making her way this far into the woods. There's an awful lot of ground to cover, after all. Nevertheless, headed towards a big screaming psionic bubble of OMG ANGST AND DRAMA, Dr. Grey's pace is quick, hands in the pockets of a jacket quickly thrown on against the chill of the night. << Amara, >> she sends ahead of herself, for that was the name assigned to the panic button's signal, << What's the situation? >>

River looks at them all, everyone and keeps the sneer off his face. This /teacher/ is acting like more of an angsty teenager than he's seen in the longest. His ragged breath and trying to figure out why so much So much everything is going on. The lightheaded feeling makes his mind just stumble over the thoughts.

Amara almost jumps a little, for a moment her eyes looking a bit distracted, though they focus on Avex soon after. She tries to keep her thoughts clear so she can 'think' it back to the one hailing her. < < We're in the woods across from the school. Averillix.. Something's wrong with her. I think it has something to do with Brendan, and now she's blaming herself for it. I don't even know how long she's been out here. Lucas is out here too, and River, and... Walter, >> The latter comes up when she sees him, staring incredulously as she also thinks 'Bringing her food!?'

<< Right. >> Jean's answer is brief and short, and there's a brief sense of exasperated 'Why me? Why -now-' that accompanies the answer, before she thinks to shut down the mental link again after a << Thank you, Amara. Try and get yourself and the other students back to the mansion, if you can? >> of closing entreaty. She picks up the pace, passing the first of a series of altered trees and thinning her lips at the sight of them.

Walter looks around, attempting to get some sort of understanding of what he's just walked in on. River's bleeding, again. Some girl just started playing with her collar, and Luke, well, he's trying to talk her down. Not a bad idea really, but, yeah. He slowly walks towards the teacher, food in hand, yep, yummy, nonthreatening food. "Ms. Montague? What's wrong, what are you doing out here? You shouldn't lock yourself away like this, it's not good for you. You're not alone, you're never alone, Nisa maybe be out of town, but she told me to look after you while she's gone." He had thought being alone was impossible at this school, but he has to admit, Averillix has made an impressive effort. His mind may be principly concerned, but the little stream of happy flows directly underneath, waiting to bubble up the moment the crisis at hand is handled.

With Amara distracted, the only two people for Avex to be interested in or skittish about for the moment is Luke and Walter. "River even said it - the only reason why anyone's feeding me is because Nisa asked them to. Only Nisa cares." Another step, back toward the wall, though her ability to open it as quickly seems to have waned. "You all only want me to come back so that I'll go back to being a teacher again, and always listen to everyone else's problems, and to go back to being your /mentor/, but for no one to listen to me. So that everyone else can tag me as stupid. I'm /not/ stupid!" And little flowers break out into bloom. Walter and the food are eyed, and Avex looks much akin to a deer staring at a salt block. The growl of her stomach says she's still yet to eat.

Someone had arrived - with food - to relieve him and Amara with the talking. Good. Luke backs off, and moves back, glancing at River .. who's power seems to just be getting the better of him. He says nothing, but glances questioningly at Amara, still wondering what she was doing. So far, he's kept a level head, but he doesn't know how to carry on. At the latest outburst, he exhales with a little bit of a sigh. Maybe someone will realize about four students are missing and come looking for them. He says nothing at this point, lips pursed a little. They really should probably get River to the Medbay.

River still keeps to himself, more interested in not keeling over right now, he sighs to himself. Drama, more drama and pain, keeping up with it seems a bit beyond him now although he can feel the pain and anguish from the teacher.

Walter sighs, "That's not true Ms. Montague. Now, I'll admit, I wouldn't know you were out here if Nisa hadn't told me, but I came because I want too. I'm not going to ask you to listen to any of my problems, I just want to help." << Problems? What problems? My life has /never/ be better than it is right now, though I /would/ prefer it if River wasn't bleeding again. >> He opens up the large tupperware container, revealing the contents, several trays of vegetarian sushi, as the kind with actual meat spoils /far/ too quickly. Next to the sushi, rests a single liter bottle of water, complete with spout for easy drinking.

"I have NEVER said or thought of you as stupid! Not ONCE!" Amara tenses up as she focuses back on Avex yet again. "I'm right here, trying to listen to you right now, can't you see that!? Haven't we been friends long enough for you to know that!?" Her voice does take a more intense tone, but she can hardly help it much now, given what she's hearing from her.. She pauses to wipe her face, trying to not let what her emotions are doing show with the wetness in her eyes. It's then that she 'hears' from Jean again, frowning inwardly.... She's hesitant to leave, though for now she tries to do as asked, looking to Lucas, Walter and River, sighing.. "I think you guys should probably try to go back inside." She refrains from sounding condescending in her tone, just trying to hint that it might be better for Avex if they do, even if she's reluctent to leave as well..

A hand light comes bobbing into the clearing just then, Jean through the maze of trees and shrubs and grasses and trusting to the surety of batteries and electricity rather than glowing mutant powers that could blink out at an instant. She has grass stains and dirt smudges streaking her jeans all the same, and an expression that speaks of a heachache that's becoming near-permanent since returning to the school. "Everyone back to the school, please," she calls. "It's getting too late to be out in the woods, and I think Professor Montague and I need to talk alone. I've told Dr. McCoy to have a bed ready for River," she continues, stepping closer and nearly tripping over a tree root. The flashlight beam waves wildly, before she catches and composes herself. "I need people to see that he gets there."

"You've never said it, but I know everyone thinks it!" And the wall behind Averillix raises -just- a tiny bit higher with that outburst. The flashlight reflects against Averillix's eyes, and she blinks several times, narrowing her eyse. She had been making for sushi and water bottle when Jean's voice becomes apparent, and as her eyes flicker to white, she reopens the hole behind her, slipping into it and sitting just on the other side of the wall as it closes. The overwhelming pangs of guilt emitting from her mind intensify, shutting her eyes tight and choking back more crying. < >

<> Luke glances at Amara, and then Walter. "C'mon, guys. Lets get outta here while we can." He glances at Jean for a moment, giving a sort of thankful look toward her. He moves up beside River, and carefully takes his arm. "C'mon, man. Lets go. You look a right bluddy mess," he remarks. Well, then.. er. Yeah.

River simply allows himself to be led, his mind, messy, thoughts jumbled and scared as he looks around he can't help thinking that it's beautiful. Grasping Lukes arm with some remaining strength he allows himself to walk back twards the school.

Walter looks, in a cycle, between Dr. Grey, Ms. Montague, and River. His mind works slowly, attempting to sort his priorities. As Averillix retreats however, he decides, approaching the now closed wall, "Ms. Montague, please at least take the food. Nisa'd never forgive me if I let her friend starve." He knocks on the wall, holding the tupperware awkwardly with one hand. As an acknowledgement of Jean's wishes, he directs towards her, << I'm sorry, I'll leave soon as she takes the food, and realizes that at least /someone/ cares about her. >> He gives a wave to Luke, "Go on without me, I wouldn't be much help anyway, I barely got him to the elevator last time." An image of River's power going out of control in Nisa's room flashes briefly.

Oh, Walter, don't argue with your headmistress. Jean's expression, smoothing out somewhat from the headached irritation as her students show signs of sense and listening to her, abruptly halts and then reverses at that condition imposed on his obedience. << Walter. >> she counters, mindvoice low, resonant and commanding. << -Go-. Don't make me ask again. >> There's a flare to her presense, a suggestion of banked flame in the face of well-intentioned defiance from a fourteen year old boy. She gestures with one hand, and then steps closer, other hand held out for the food. "I'll speak with Professor Montague," she repeats, diction clearer and crisper this time.

"Just leave it," is Avex's murmur of a reply. "I'll eat it. I always do." <> She starts to play with her far too long strands of hair, enjoying the relative darkness on her side of the wall, her breaths growing a bit less panicked, though her tears run a lot more freely.

Amara can only watch as Averillix suddenly seems to get swallowed up by the the jungle of plants that conjure up around her... She couldn't help afterall. She swallows. still trying to keep herself from getting too worked up, and for a moment at least succeeding, nodding to Jean.. She goes to approach Walter as well, just trying to do what she can to encourage him to go back. "Just leave if for her here, and let's go back.. She'll be alright." She doesn't go so far as to grab him and drag him along, though she does look to see if he's coming for a moment or so, looking back to where Avex went.. She finally turns and heads back for the mansion. By the time she's out of sight, her arms are around her shoulders, a hand to her face. There's little else she can do to hide the urge to cry.

Concern, meet Fear. Hello Fear. Hello Concern, now do what the omega mutant tells you too! Walter hands Jean the tupperware container, body language making his already small form seem even smaller. He looks over his shoulder shouting out, "I'm leaving now Ms. Montague, hope you're feeling better soon." He then slowly moves away. Once he's behind Jean, he makes a sprint, quickly catching up with the other mutants, jumping over the root that almost tripped his headmistress, young eyes already adjusted to the dim glow.

Jean has a small smile on her face as Walter obeys, more of a smirk, really, and decidedly wry and crooked. As the students depart, she advances towards Averillix's little nest and crouches down on her haunches, offering over the food with the smile replaced by solemn concern.

Averillix listens to all the noise of people die away, and she only opens her wall slightly. As she sees Jean, however, she winces, and the panicked state of her mind begins another whirlwind, many of the thoughts along the lines of <> Hiding from Jean, however, is not very effective, and as she crawls out of her hole, eyes to the ground, she reaches up, taking the water bottle first and chugging at it. Her azalea smell is still strong, though not as much since part of the stressors had been lifted. She'll say nothing, for now.

Jean doesn't seem inclined to wield the Hammer of Career Doom this fine evening. Keeping the flashlight balanced and shining without blinding Averillix is enough to wield, after all. "I think we'll want to smuggle you up to the staff level when you've eaten, Averillix," she suggests, calm and kind and poised as many a generation of WASP woman before her. "You're clearly in need of some real rest, the way your emotions are jagging, and I'll want to talk to you in the morning. Have you been able to sleep at all?"

The water bottle is removed from her lips, and Avex's head gives a slight shake, those still fully viridian eyes staring at Jean a bit tiredly. "Sometimes..." She moves one hand to rub at her eyes, sniffling a bit, and she fumbles with the water bottle awkwardly. "I'm sorry, about all the trees, and the walls. I just... He died, and it was so soon after, and I didn't know what to do..." Eyes close, and Averillix presses her fingers to either side of the bridge of her nose. "And no one cared. It's all my fault."

"People may not care about Brendan," Jean admits, softly and continuing to hold out the Tupperware container as she does it. "Because they never really knew him, and it's a rare thing for people to take an interest in that they don't know. But they -do- care about you. Come on," she encourages, releasing the flashlight to float on its own, so that she can extend that hand to Averillix. "Walk with me for a bit, and we can sneak around the concerned students. I know they can be a bit smothering at times."

Averillix will stand, but she won't take Jean's hand. She wasn't up for that quite yet. Instead, keeping her eyes down to the ground, the woman's head shaking lightly. The maze that'd served as her sanctuary for the past four days is eyed, one more time, and she walks beside Jean, silent.

"I'll make you some tea," Jean decides as they walk the half mile back to the mansion through a forest full of rustling woodland creatures and knotted tree roots across the path. "Chamomile. There's a great little blend that they sell at the local Farmer's Market that could relax, well, -Scott-." Because, if you are Jean Grey, the first and foremost step of resolving any emotional difficulty will involve tea.
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