(no subject)

Aug 03, 2006 21:39

There isn't much to the appearance of Rogue tonight. She's dressed in PJs, red plaid pants bunching around green-slippered feet. It doesn't quite match the blue sweatshirt, but Rogue doesn't seem to mind as she reclines in the computer lab watching Shrek on one of the computers, large plushy headphones snug over her ears. A box of twinkies is hugged tightly in her lap. Jubilee just might find one less box in her stash.

Little more serves to make Jareth distinguished, unless shorts and t-shirts have lately been deemed dignified. Otherwise with only socks, he leans through the doorway and swings his attention back and forth across the room. Shortly, it stops. "Oh. Here you are. I was looking for you."

Rogue happily watches the antics of the animated movie, a comfort level of being alone fairly large than if people were present. She's just hooked her heels up on the edge of the desk when the muffled sound of someone penetrates her headphones. Slippers flap noisily as her feet slam back down to the floor, a franting arm shoving the box of twinkies under the desk. "Ah don't know nothin'! Haven't been near your room. But Ah saw Hank there! Yeah, Hank was--" She's turns in her chair, fully expecting to see an angry, twinkie-less Jubilee. "Jareth?" Rogue inquires, as if it might be Jubilation with a new morphing power. "Oh thank god," she starts after a moment, slipping her headphones off.

Though little changes, Jareth's expression slides into that realm called confusion. Several slow blinks pass by. "Maybe I just shouldn't ask what you did this time." This decided, he moves properly into the room and out of the doorway to approach. Once in proximity, he pauses to take note of the movie, then settles his attention on Rogue. "Ah, anyway, project hush hush or... whatever you want to call it is finished."

Rogue places her headphones down, not bothering to stop the movie as she lets the chair rotate to face him fully. "Sometimes Ah think Ah do things just to get a rise out of her." Rogue admits with a grin as she reaches down to fish the box back out from the odd angle. Well-trimmed eyebrows arch over bright, brown eyes. "Oh it /is/? Well don't that beat all! Just in time, too. /Thanks/, sugah!" She pushes herself up and takes a few steps to offer the Professor a hug. "This means a lot, Ah promise. What should Ah tell her t'do t'access it?"

The smile Jareth takes on is mixed somewhere between dry and simple genuine humor. "I think vice versa is just as true." Though she makes no move to stop the movie, it does anyway. So done, the smile fades into an ordinary smile, and carefully, Jareth accepts the hug. "You're welcome. I'm sure she'll like it." Mischief skulks back into the smile, and Jareth spreads his arms once freed. "What else? Inform the system 'I solemnly swear I am up to no good.'"

"Y'think? She's probably bored of that game by now. Ah'm too easy." Rogue giggles girlishly, her toes curling up against the fluffy green material of her slippers. "It's for Jubes, but Ah bet you figured that out for yourself. Ah bet it's spectacular, if you had 'nything to do with it." She busily tucks white strands behind her ear and holds out the twinkie box. "Oh, you're /brilliant/, Jar-Jar. That's too perfect!"

Another smile and a chuckle answer. "Even so, there must be *some* reason she still hangs around you." Jareth's smile curls fractionally further, matching a spark of mirth. "Well, I had a feeling before too long. Spectacular, huh? Well, I try." Lowering attention to the box, he lifts fingers to wiggle over it, finally plucking out a target. "Remind me to buffer my ribs before she sees it and hugs me."

Rogue tilts her chin up firmly. "Because she loves me an' Ah'm the hush to her puppy." The box is held out for as long as he needs before reeling back and tumping it into the chair behind her. "'Course, once she finds some o'her twinkies are missin', that might just change." The chair is steadied behind her as she cautiously leans back against it. "It's too bad she's-- /we're/ movin' so soon. But we'll be comin' back a lot so it'll get use."

With Twinkie poised between fingers, Jareth counts off on the fingers of the other hand. "Laurel to her Hardy. Ginger Roberts to her Fred Astaire. Butch Cassidy to her Sundance Kid. Bonnie to her Cly- Okay, that one is too obvious." The fingers lower again, or one set as the other raises for a bite of Twinkie. "It'll change again once she sees the place and you'll be just fine. Yeah, it's a shame you don't have long, but I expect to see you plenty." One finger shakes forth menace.

Rogue crosses her arms and gives Jareth a set of sarcastic eyes above an amused smile. "Here's t'hopin' it'll play out like that." The chair creaks carefully as she balances her rump against the arm. Her mind slips into a bit of a daydream of possible Jubilee reactions, but she comes out of it quickly enough. "What? O'course! And on the weekends we don't come back, we'll call. Promise." Rogue swipes a finger over her chest in an cross motion.

Nothing but beatific innocence retorts. Jareth then consumes another bite of Twinkie. "You two will be just dandy. If I know her at all, and I'd like to think I do, everything will go smoothly." Another bite goes down with the accompaniment of a thoughtful noise. "Should I show you, or wait for her?"

"Ah'd be more worried about how New York is gonna take having up loose in it. We're gonna kick up our heels an' take that town by storm, y'know." She pauses and opens her mouth slowly, "Not. y'know, /with/ Storm. Ah meant..." Rogue simply finishes with a laugh. "Nah, Ah want Jubilee t'have first dibs on playin' it. Ah'll leave her a note to try it out on her own."

Ever so subtly and infinitesimally, Jareth cringes. "I forgot about that. Jeez, you two loose in the city. If you need me, I'll be making like Wile E. Coyote and huddling under a tiny umbrella for safety." His hands curl and arrange in front of him in just such a posture. "Just remember to cushion your own ribs when she comes back."

"You /do/ realize that the lil' umbrella always gets struck by lightnin'? Don't you ever watch cartoons?" Rogue asks, balling her hands and placing them jauntily on her hips. "You kiddin', right? Ah've know Jubilee for a long time. Ah swear Ah've got some sorta second mutation where mah ribs have turned t'steel just from havin' to live around her." She bumps the chair so it rotates her way, a hand slipping back to grab the box just before she plops down into it.

The hands remain, but Jareth stills further, shoulders curling tighter. "Shh. Don't remind the lightning." His eyes cast skyward, boring suspicion through the ceiling for a long moment before he returns to Rogue. "Well, at least one of us is safe, then. You may have to teach me that trick in the near future." Finally, the hands descend, and Jareth takes to the adjoining chair with a matching thump.

"Or..." she starts, turning herself towards the computer screen before taking a firm hold of the headphone cord and plucking it from the port, "Ah could just walk around naked as a bluejay an' then she can't get /near/ me." Brown eyes roll up as she scooches herself down comfortably into the chair. "Oh, it ain't somethin' that can be /taught/. Ah'm just that good." Rogue smiles to herself and kicks her feet up, waving at the screen in hopes Jareth will switch the movie back on. "He's just found Donkey."

In the midst of a remaining bite of Twinkie, Jareth becomes even more still and simply fixes a stare on Rogue. Several moments pass before he resumes movement. When he does, he does so in as best an imitation of Rogue as skill allows. "'Well, good mornin,' Jubilee. Care for some Cheerios?'" His fingers wiggle in the air on the first sentence, raise and waggle an invisible box on the second. An instant later, one arm covers his eyes and the other forms vehement mid-air refusal. "'Put a *shirt* on before my eyes explode!'" Several more moments pass in stillness, and as his fingers crack slowly open to allow a peek, the image springs back to life.

Rogue is watching the screen of the computer for a moment before the lack of action and noise stalls her. She takes a glance at Jareth, then does a double-take. "/What/?" Rogue wonders, eyes squinting up slightly in confusion. "Now just /what/ are you implyin'?!" She yelps, digging a twinkie from the box and chunking it at him. "Oh, you ol' goat. You /wish/!" There is a snorting laugh and she turns back to the computer. "Quit foolin' around, techno-geek!" And with that Rogue leans forward and presses 'play' herself.

A scrabbling of hands, just as erratic as the vehement gestures of a moment before, snatches at the Twinkie, eventually successful. "What do you mean, implying? I'm just imagining naked breakfast and reactions thereof." Jareth's tongue extrudes past lips briefly, and he afterwards turns to the screen. "Didn't even realize I had wishes to make," comes the mutter. While he bites off a mouthful of Twinkie, wary glances cast sidelong to Rogue.

Rogue crosses her arms over her chest and focuses on the movie before breaking off for a split second. "Mmhmm. Imagining naked breakfast with man an' Jubilee. No guy would /ever/ wish that." Can you hear the sarcasm? Or, rather, can you even make out the words through the wall of sarcastic tone? In any case Rogue is now focused fully on the movie, the twinkies left untouched for the remainder of the night.

Jareth at last bestows the secret undertaking that Rogue asked of him.
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