(no subject)

Jul 09, 2004 17:06

I hate him. Maybe he WILL drink himself to death someday. Probably take too long.

And my lip hurts.

It's three in the morning. At this hour, you can expect 99% of the Brotherhood to be asleep or elsewhere on duties. That is mainly what Toad is counting on as he stumbles through the halls of the main complex, wreaking of alcohol, cheap perfume, and other stenches you'd expect on someone who's been out partying with his best friend. Nevermind that new liver, he wanted to have fun! Sure, he'll feel this in the morning. But how many people think about that before they go and get themselves terribly drunk? One thing's for sure--Toad is really drunk this time. He can barely hold himself up without the help of a wall. Was this hallway always so lengthy?

Sure, it's always been this long. It just moves when you're drunk. "Well, look what the cat dragged in." comes a purr from one of the shadows in the hall. Toxin slides into view, still a ways down the hall from Toad. "Or maybe I should say, threw out." She narrows her eyes slightly at the green guy, slowly shaking her head from side to side. "Just couldn't restrain yourself, could you?" she asks quietly, already knowing the sort of nasty answer she's going to get.

Toad stops and looks around himself. The shadows are talking.... Oh wait. Someone's there. He peers down the hall with one eye, then moves along the wall towards whoever's there. "Just 'ad a couple, that's all.... Couple bottles, that is." He laughs. "Nothing I couldn't 'andle."

Toxin stops to think, swallowing. Does she really want to get into this? Her momentary pause gives Toad time to get farther down the hall. "Sure. That's why you can barely walk. You should really get out of here before you wake anyone else up with that stench of yours." she replies in a cool tone, propping herself up against the wall. He woke her up? Unlikely, but that's the story she'll stick to for now.

Toad certainly doesn't need a reason to make a scene. He's drunk. He's got all the reason he'll need. "Aww, did I wake you, love?" He burps, then stumbles closer to her. Ah, yes... Toxin. That's who this person is. "You should be in bed. Maybe I should come tuck in..." Toad grins and leans forward, ready to fall on Toxin unless she moves.

Toxin wrinkles her nose as Toad steps closer. "It wasn't a pleasant awakening, I assure you." Waving a hand in front of her face, she comments, "I hardly need someone to come and tuck me in. Especially someone who probably couldn't..." She stops long enough to dart out of his way. "Balance long enough to do it." she finishes, her golden-green eyes narrowed in disgust. This is an all-too familiar scene for her, but she's rarely seen Toad this far gone, if ever. Usually he doesn't have trouble staying upright, even if that's the only thing he can do.

Hey, it's a new liver. And he got into a drinking contest with about five other people in the bar. And the prize for the drinking contest was more to drink. So... yeah. Toad falls flat on his face and lays there for a few moments before slowly picking himself up. "Sure I could. I'm all about *hic* balance." He reaches for the wall that just happens to be furthest from him and slips back down to the floor.

Toxin sighs almost inaudibly, watching Toad fall yet again to the floor. "O-kay, Mr. Balance." She murmurs, reaching out and grabbing his arm to help him back up. As much as his behavior disgusts her, there's something about a partially helpless person. Of course, it's because it may be useful for blackmail later. Not that blackmail works on Toad. "Whatever you were doing, I hope you won." If he tries to get his hands on her, she might just bite him and leave him to die.

Toad waves her away and eventually gets to his feet. Whether or not he was helped, he certainly doesn't acknowledge it. The only help he really seems to be accepting is that of the wall, which he now uses to continue towards the elevator. "Of course I won! I win all the time." Even though he's still a few feet from the elevator, he starts poking at the wall as though it were the elevator call button. "And tomorrow night, I'm gonna win again. Creed thinks I can't beat my old record, but I'll show 'im. I'll drink 'til I can't lift a bo'tle to my mouth."

Toxin does steady him a little when he gets to his feet, in the manner of pushing Toad towards the wall. Polite, isn't she? "What, you mean you can right now?" she purrs, her voice becoming ever more smooth as they walk on. Scratching the back of her head as if she's trying to remember, she says casually, "Didn't the doctors say something about you drinking too much?" She even chews on her bottom lip a little, like she often does when she's thinking.

Toad stops and peers at her. "Who? Oh." He pffs and waves it off. "Took me this long to ruin the last liver. That means I got about ten years of drinkin' before I'll need another new one. I'll just put an early order in for one tomorrow." He glares at the wall, wondering why it isn't opening up to let him in the elevator. Oh wait. There it is.

Toxin just listens quietly until he's finished, shaking her head. "And who's gonna pay for it?
Magneto? I doubt it." she taunts, still following him. After all, she's got to go back to bed too. There's a stifled laugh while Toad hits the wall, then Toxin demurely enters the elevator. She lets him try and hit the buttons, finding that much amusing. "You know, ten years from now, it'll probably be cheaper to let you kick the bucket than replace the liver again." Evil, bad Toxin.

Toad continues to wander the wall until he reaches the elevator. When it opens, he slips in and sits down in one corner, letting his tongue whip the buttons on the panel. Good thing there's only two buttons or else they'd be stuck in that elevator for a while. "Shut up about Magneto," he says as he rests his head on his arms.

Shut up? Never. Toxin's found a chink in Toad's armor, and she's going to press the advantage. "You -should- be dead, you know. But thanks to Magneto, you're not. Great way to say thank you." she snaps, letting her anger show through for the first time. "Instead, you're alive and well. Or you were, until you pulled this stunt. Can't you say no to him ONCE, Toad? You know as well as I do that bastard would drop you into a vat of acid for the enjoyment of watching you squirm. And when you die from destroying this new liver, he'll just add your name to the list of people he's killed." Shaking her head, she starts to storm out of the elevator when it stops and opens.

Biting words, all of them. But Toad's too drunk to see the wisdom behind them. "You shut up about Magneto and you shut up about Creed," he snaps as he leaps to his feet. "Creed's the only friend I've got, and if 'e wants me to drink then I bloody well am gonna! And if Magneto dun' like it, 'e can bloody well shove it!" Oh yeah, he must -really- be drunk to say something bad about Magneto. Especially in the Brotherhood's echoing hallway. "All we're damn doing around 'ere is -festering- waiting for something to 'appen! I'm not gonna die rotting off in some corner, I'm gonna die living and that's what I do when I'm off with Creed!"

But he'll see the wisdom in them later, because by this time, Toxin's made the decision to go to Magneto. Yes, she's going to tattle, but it's only because she prefers Toad's company to Creed's. Who wouldn't? Maybe Toad. "That bastard is NOT your friend, and what's more, I think you know it. You think he wouldn't drop you in a second if he found someone better?" she returns harshly, spinning around to argue with him some more. Ahh, tough love. "Maybe the reason we wait here is because Magneto knows better than you do, Toad!! At the moment all you are is a drunken sot who can't think or walk straight!"

"W'O THE BLOODY FUCK ASKED YOU," Toad roars, stepping forward quite quickly as if he were going to attack her. Thankfully, he stops just close enough to loom over her. "Creed is more of my friend than ANYONE else 'ere, or in the entire damn world! You know 'ow long I've been 'ere and not done a single damn fun thing with anyone but Creed? Mystique's a rank bitch, and
Magneto's too busy 'plotting for world domination' to get off 'is damn 'igh 'orse and do something fun! And even if 'e did, do you think 'e'd want to 'ang out with me? 'Course not, 'cause I'm a FREAK, even by Mutant standards! And not even the freakiest mare 'ere wants to 'ang out with me. So get off m'damn back about w'o I 'ang out with! /You/ certainly dun' want to be bothered by me, so just toddle off to your li'l room and pretend this never 'appened!" Toad turns and storms in the direction of his own room, his liquor-feuled rant having given him enough balance to make it down the hall without the help of wall or person.

"You have NO room to talk to anyone about being on a high horse, dammit!" Toxin screams back, not moving as Toad gets closer. He's threatened her before, and she's not afraid. They're gonna wake somebody up. "And don't start with me! I tried to give you a chance, and you threw it in my face. So the next time you want to complain about not having friends, maybe you should take a look in the mirror and ask yourself why you expect to have any when you treat everyone like SHIT!!!" Damn, she can get loud when she wants. For a moment, her fangs slip out while she's yelling, puncturing her bottom lip. Ow. She doesn't quite know how to control them yet. It's only been a few days.

"Fuck you," is Toad's final argument on the whole situation. He'll pay for all this later, provided he
remembers it. He hasn't been this drunk in years--usually he regulates himself so he'll have a few drops of common sense left. Of course, you have to wonder if anyone who hangs out with Sabretooth has common sense to begin with. The door of his room slams quite loudly, serving to stir anyone who might have barely been disturbed by the sound of shouting.
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