Where was your character born and where did they grow up?
Toxin has no memories of her early childhood. However, it has been established that she was born somewhere in the northern USSR, her parents died at an early age, and she was raised by an orphanage until she was thirteen.
Who are the members of your character's family?
Only one member, her daughter Aramina, age 8. Former members include her deceased boyfriend Renald, who is Mina’s father. That’s about it.
How old is your character?
Why is your character in New York?
Toxin was transported to the US when she was 18, and she’s still not sure how or why that was accomplished. However, her memory had virtually been wiped, and she only has bits and pieces of it now.
What does your character do now (job, school, etc)?
Her ‘public’ job is VP and co-CEO of Succubus Entertainments, where she works in tandem with Sabella Miller. Her real job, though, is doing the jobs of the Brotherhood, and working under Magneto. Anything else is just window dressing.
What are the major events in your character's life?
First and foremost has to be when Toxin was originally transported to the US. She went for three years without any recollection of who she was, or where she was from.
Next is when she regained pieces of her memory, quite by accident by one of the Brotherhood using a de-muter substance on her in order to save her life. Although her memory is still fragmentary, Toxin has every intention of recalling her lost memory one day.
What is your character's general outlook on life (optimistic, pessimistic, realist, idealist, etc)?
Toxin believes fully in Magneto’s ideal of mutant superiority, however she does recognize the fact that it might not work. But for her own sake, and that of her daughter, she is more than willing to take any risks necessary to secure a safe future for her own.
What is your character's basic personality?
Bitch. There’s a whole ‘adapting to the situation’ line when it comes to her. She can be nice, sweet one second, and a total evil insane maniac the next. An undercurrent of sarcasm runs through just about everything she says and does, and she definitely has a hard side. In the end, if it’s good for her and the few people she cares about, she doesn’t give a damn who it hurts or who gets in her way.
Who are your character's friends?
One friend. Sabella. These two have been called opposite sides of the same coin. Toxin has performed as Sabella’s conscience, and Sabella has given Toxin the support she’s needed. Nobody knows Toxin better than Sabella, but even she doesn’t know everything about her.
Amara. Amara could become a friend, given time. Toxin has to make sure she isn’t going to betray the cause, and anyone on the island. But she genuinely enjoys the girl’s company, and thinks she will be an asset to the group.
Derek. Dating/possible boyfriend. Or maybe just boytoy. She likes him a lot, and not just because of his looks, cause he is hot. But it will be some time before she trusts him for anything more than they’re doing now.
Magneto. They share a relationship that tilts between personal and professional. Toxin has served as a sounding board for the Mags/Sabella relationship since it began, and will probably be there to hold somebody’s hand when it’s over.
Mystique. They have a love/hate relationship, which more often than not moves more towards hate. They compete for Magneto’s attention, and the attentions of certain other Brotherhood members. For the moment, Toxin is on top, but she’s lost to Mystique before.
(there are more, but remember I’ve had this char for like 2 ½ years now and it’s hard to remember everybody!)
What are your character's hobbies?
Not much in the way of hobbies. Toxin loves to shop, and listen to music. But her work consumes her life, and that is her hobby for the moment. That and spending tiny amounts of time with her daughter, whenever Aramina is home from boarding school.
Is your character a mutant? If so, what are his or her powers?
Yes! Toxin’s powers are just that. Poison. A touch from her hands will knock you out for an indefinite period of time…depends on body weight, metabolism, etc. Touching her while she’s sweaty, getting any of her bodily fluids on you (including blood) will knock you out and you will die in a few hours unless given the antidote. Her bite though her fangs transmits the poison directly into your bloodstream. You’ll die a lot quicker and more painfully, and after a few minutes the antidote won’t help you. She is also immune to any and all poisons. This has serious advantages, but it also has some disadvantages in that her mutation will attack any chemical that attempts to alter her body, even aspirin or birth control. So if she is injured, she just has to tough it out, because it would take a massive amount of antibiotics to help.
She has a secondary power…there is a 10 foot radius around here that operates as a sort of radar…she can tell anything that’s in it, visible or invisible, whether they’re in front of her or behind. Certain people have been around her long enough that she can sense their particular flavor in it and she can call them by name while not looking at them, just to unnerve those people.
How does your character feel about his or her hometown? Why?
Toxin remembers nothing about her hometown. The parts she does remember about her teenage years are in a villa south of Moscow, and she hates even the mention of that place because of what happened to her there.
What sort of relationship does your character have with each member of his or her family? Why?
She has a somewhat strained relationship with Aramina. Toxin didn’t get to have a full-time part in her daughter’s life until Mina was 7, and so they are still getting used to one another. She sent her away for her own protection, but every once in a while Toxin has to fight the urge to bring her daughter back because, frankly, she doesn’t trust anyone but herself to protect her.
How does your character feel about New York? Why?
New York is Toxin’s only home that she remembers with any positive feeling at all. Her true home is on Brotherhood Island, and she loves it there. She wouldn’t willingly leave either one for any reason.
Does your character enjoy his or her job? Why or why not?
Toxin likes her public job at Succubus Entertainments, and spends a lot of time on it. She enjoys more her experimentations below in the basement, where she creates poisons from scratch and tests them on various humans to gauge how they die. If she feels like it, she might create an antidote and cure a couple of them just to see if it works. And then promptly kill them in another manner, of course. Toxin has a specialized room in the basement to test airborne gases.
What is your character's goal in life?
Mutant supremacy. She believes that mutants were born better than humans, and the humans should acknowledge that. What better people to fight than those that can heal themselves, or run the government if you can think at computer speeds? Survival of the fittest is what it boils down to. And if other mutants don’t share that view, too bad for them. She has no problem being second to someone, as long as she’s second to a person she believes can do the first job.
How did your character's goals develop? Why does he or she want to be a teacher, an astronaut, or an actress?
Toxin learned during her brief stint with the Morlocks that there are mutants willing to fight for whatever cause, and ones who want to just tuck their heads in and wait for the aftermath. Magneto saved her life once, and she began to believe in him. Once Sabella and Toxin became friends, she started to see the possibilities in mutants running the world.
How did your character meet his or her friends?
Sabella and Toxin met in the middle of Central Park, and they got along immediately. Sabella was speaking to Magneto at that time, and that was her first encounter with the Master of Magnetism as well. The pair of women quickly developed a bond that makes them almost empathically connected. Their relationship has become a type that could lead into them becoming lovers, but Toxin isn’t interested in that.
Is there anyone your character particularly dislikes or distrusts? Why?
Jean Grey. And there is one single reason for that…Jean hurt Sabella. And took away Sabella’s son. Nevermind that the son is biologically Jean’s, in Toxin’s mind he belongs to Sabella.
Renald. Renald was the one that forced Toxin’s power to manifest, and then she became his consort of sorts, and had his child when she was barely fifteen. The emotional scars of that came to the fore when Renald came back into her life just over a year ago, bringing her daughter back to her, and Toxin repaid him by killing him.
What types of movies does your character love? What does he or she like about them?
Action, Horror, and Sci-Fi. No romantic squishy flicks, and comedy ones are a very rare thing. Often, she gets ideas from the horror movies.
What types of books does your character read? What does he or she like about them?
Toxin doesn’t read a lot, but when she does it’s classical literature. She believes that most books written now aren’t worth the paper they’re printed on. Her favorite is Dante’s Inferno.
What type of music does your character listen to? Why?
Classical, jazz, soft rock. Toxin will listen to almost everything except country, hip-hop, and rap.
How did your character develop an interest in his or her hobbies?
Shopping is the pastime of any female with money to her name. It’s a girl thing.
What sorts of things does your character dislike? What does he or she find particularly annoying?
What Toxin hates the most is people who pretend to be her friend. If you do not belong to the Brotherhood and she hasn’t known you for at least a year or more, you are not her friend. Period. She doesn’t like small talk, and will often appear rude to get to the point. Just the way she is.
Pick three or four major events in your character's life and describe how they affected him or her. Try things like the death of a pet, a graduation, the manifestation of mutant powers, the death of a grandparent, or a break-up with a boyfriend.
I think I covered this above…
If your character is a mutant, how did he or she discover this? How does he or she feel about it?
Toxin remembers this only in parts, but she was tortured, one in a line of several orphans that Renald extracted at puberty and tested them for obvious mutant powers. How Renald knew as much as he did about mutants, Toxin still has no idea. But during her torture, she grabbed the arm of one of the guards and he was knocked out by it. Therefore, she was kept in his little stock of pet mutants.
If your character is a mutant, how has he or she developed, tested, or ignored the powers? What does he or she know about their extent or limitations?
She has tested and strained her powers to their limits, determined to discover what they are and how far she could push herself. The results of this were occasional rather blinding headaches and some very sick random people in the street. She knows her limitations to a T, or at least she thinks. Since her powers took a change, she is now not quite aware if she’s more powerful than she was before, or not.
If your character is a mutant, what /are/ the extent of his or her powers?
Toxin’s touch can’t kill a person, no matter how many times she pokes them in the ribs. Also, her radar field extends to ten feet, and if she stops and concentrates, she can extend it another foot or so, and heighten her sensitivity in it, especially if there is multiple objects around her. Doing this takes all her concentration.
What are your character's morals? How does he or she feel about stealing, lying, cheating, murder, etc? Why?
Whatever has to be done, will be done. To Toxin, evils are not so much completely enjoyable as a necessity of life. Certain things have to be accomplished to get the job done, and some people are just stupid enough not to get out of her way.
How does your character feel about mutants? About humans? Why?
Mutants are okay. Sometimes. Mainly it’s those who share her opinions about the way mutants should be treated in the world.
Humans should just bow their heads, back the fuck up, and thank mutants in their prayers that they don’t turn on them full-scale and wipe them out.
What type of guy/girl is your character usually attracted to? What type does he or she avoid? Why?
Toxin likes the big guys. Ones with muscles. The badasses in life. The ones she can have fun with, and possibly just drop one day if they piss her off. They’re also the ones most likely to enjoy her ‘deal with it’ attitude. However, she has a soft spot for the down on your luck cases, and has been known to take care of one or two of them before.
What are your character's politics? Why?
Mutant supremacy, all the way. Down with the MRA act and President Lowe. President Lensherr sounds kinda cool, Emperor sounds better. Czarena Toxin sounds wonderful.
Who has been most influential in your character's life and the way he or she views the world? How has that person influenced your character?
Toxin really doesn’t believe people to have influenced her life one by one. People and mutants as a whole have convinced her that this is the only way for there to be peace.
How does your character feel about mutants who are public about their powers? About mutants who are not?
Mutants should be able to be public with their powers. There is no shame in being a mutant, only pride. One should be able to show what one is proud of. That is what Toxin works for, so that one day she won’t have to hide her own powers. Mutants who hide what they are because they’re afraid, well…sucks to be them.
How connected does your character feel to the 'mutant cause' or the 'mutant community'?
Completely and totally dedicated to Magneto’s cause…with one exception. If Magneto ever deliberately hurt Sabella beyond their little lover’s spats, Toxin might just have to consider shoving her fist down his throat.
If your character were in physical danger, who would be the first person he or she would call? Why?
Sabella. She would answer any call Toxin made and be there in an instant, if she asked. The trouble with Toxin is that she’s too stubborn to ask sometimes.
If your character were in emotional pain, what would he or she do? Who might your character talk to? How might they react?
She’s been in emotional pain several times, and always goes to Sabella if she needs someone to talk to. Most of the time, though, she tries to work through it on her own, and just buries it deep down. Feelings are not something she likes to work with very much.
What is the most important thing to your character?
The safety of herself and those she cares for. If they are safe and happy, then all is well in the universe.
What or who would your character make serious sacrifices for, if anything or anyone?
Aramina or Sabella. Toxin would kill, and has, for either of them. She would also die to save their lives.
What does your character like about each of his or her friends? Dislike?
Toxin loves Sabella for her flaws as well as her virtues, which are few. Her ruthlessness, her devotion, and her lack of morality are just a few of the things that bind these two together. One of the things Toxin doesn’t like about Sabella is how she jumps from guy to guy. She would prefer that Bella pick one, it’s less to keep track of. And Toxin wouldn’t have to worry about a repeat of the Jimmy situation.
Has your character ever been in love? With whom? How did the relationship progress? What did they love about the person?
One person has held Toxin’s heart romantically - James Proudstar. They could have worked out, but underneath, Toxin hated herself for loving him, because they didn’t trust each other, and fought almost as much as they had good times. In the end, it was James’ infidelity - with Sabella - that drove Toxin to cut all ties with him. And the only reason he’s not dead is Sabella stepped in. (And he’s an FC.)
What was the worst moment of your character's life? Why?
Probably when she was sixteen and discovered a child’s body in her apartment in Russia. She thought it was her daughter’s body, and went through the next 6 years believing that.
What was the best moment of your character's life? Why?
Possibly the day that Jimmy asked her to marry him. Not in so many words, but that is what he wanted. But it also lead to one of the worst days in her life, because shortly after that Toxin disappeared on a business trip.
What does your character like most about himself? What does your character dislike most about himself?
At times Toxin looks at herself and doesn’t like the person she’s become. A person to whom the ends justify the means. But on the other hand, she can’t imagine her life going any other way, and she does enjoy her position in the Brotherhood, and her gift for training mutants and helping them with their powers.