Title: Imaginary Life Journey
renata_kedavraSummary: Erik and Raven attempt to recruit Kurt Wagner for the Hellfire Club; Erik and Charles attempt to recruit Kurt Wagner for Xavier's School for the Gifted.
EibenRequest Used: I tried my best to incorporate all three, since they seemed to fit together nicely. Request 1: I would love something that points out the tragic of Eric. That he, as Jewish German later on acts like one of the greatest racists in history. Request 2: A fic with lots of German, because I love this bilingual touch this fandom has. Request 3: or a fic where Erik hates this language because it was so misused in the 1930s/40s.
Rating: PG-13. Contains allusions to the Holocaust, though nothing very graphic.
Spoilers: XMFC
Notes: ENORMOUS thanks to all of my betas!
bagheera_san for the German fixes and cultural insights,
leiascully for the French and flair, and
ion_bond for the excellent English beta. It takes a village to write the multilingual Erik Lehnsherr :)
Part 2 of this is AU from XMFC, and both parts are AU from X2, since they introduce Kurt a lot earlier, and they also disregard Kurt's comics parentage. But X2 never really went into that anyway.
Title and some inspiration taken from Rainer Maria Rilke’s poem
Imaginärer Lebenslauf (Imaginary Life Journey) (
Imaginary Life Journey )