Does your school have any kind of "shopping period" at the beginning of the semester? I've had really good luck with just showing up to the classes I really want (schedule permitting...) and attending all through shopping period/expressing interest to the prof./being wicked active in class discussions and going to office hours until some other people drop the class and I get permission to register.
But. I go to a tiny school, so this may be totally useless for you. Sometimes it also involves attending like 7 classes for 2 weeks, between the classes I really want and the backup classes. blargh
I understand what you're talking about, but my school doesn't have a designated "shopping period" or anything like that. I suppose if I was especially interested in a class, I could find out who's teaching it that semester, but I would have to do all the leg work and make sure that the same prof was teaching the same class next semester.
Course offerings and professor listings aren't published until a week or so before registration opens, and then each registration time slot opens in two hour increments according to how many credits you have.
I don't know where all these fellow journalism majors came from, but I guess I underestimated the amount of people taking photo and graphics classes next semester. :(
Comments 2
But. I go to a tiny school, so this may be totally useless for you. Sometimes it also involves attending like 7 classes for 2 weeks, between the classes I really want and the backup classes. blargh
Course offerings and professor listings aren't published until a week or so before registration opens, and then each registration time slot opens in two hour increments according to how many credits you have.
I don't know where all these fellow journalism majors came from, but I guess I underestimated the amount of people taking photo and graphics classes next semester. :(
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