Matt, although I agree fully with your thoughts on this topic, it's too bad that neither the republican or democratic parties running for presidency have the best interest of human beings in mind. No matter how much they bicker back and forth, no matter how many rude comments they throw at each other, this doesn't change the fact that my next door neighbor works 2 jobs and still can barely afford to feed her hungry children. Doesn't change the fact that I will have payed my entire way through college (with a 16% tuition increase this year alone) but graduate with no work force to enter into. Doesn't change the fact that my brother fought for a year in an unjust war, killed people and saw them killed for reasons the president of this great country still wont admit too. It is a frustrating time to live in this great country of ours, and although I've thought that moving to another country would be an easy solution, i've come to realize that me moving won't help this country get to where I want it to be
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Comments 2
however i am ms. negative, so i couldn't really get through it without reading it in a sarcastic tone.
but, you know me...
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