Omegle Dumbledore.

Oct 25, 2009 20:14

So last night in Gryffindor at hogwartsishome, someone proposed that everyone go to, start a chat, and pose as a Harry Potter character. I did so (although rather later than everyone else), and let me tell you, it was excellent.

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Stranger: so why are you here
You: For the greater good.
Stranger: how is this serving the greater good
You: I am growing to understand more about the world.
Stranger: that's a good response
You: I know.
You: I am rather good at wisdom.
You: Would you like a sherbet lemon?
Stranger: yes please
You: Here you go. It's nice to meet others who share my taste in sweets.
You: Fawkes does not. He only eats Charcoal Biscuits.
Stranger: oh god you're a dumbledore impersonater
You: Impersonator? Certainly not. My store of Polyjuice ran out weeks ago.
You: It is sad. I can no longer go to muggle night clubs posing as dashing young men.
Stranger: have you ever tried reading harry potter fan fiction?
You: I have heard of it, but I feel that it would be prying too deeply into poor young Harry's personal life.
Stranger: some of it is terrifying
You: Life is terrifying, but love makes up for that tenfold.
You: Love conquers all.
Stranger: a friend once sent me a story about the hogwarts castle having sex with the giant squid
Stranger: so i guess that follows both
You: I have witnessed that in person.
Stranger: i don't know whether to congratulate you or offer you my condolences
You: I had to be given smelling salts. I was only twelve years old at the time, and had not yet met Gellert. Ah, Gellert...
Stranger: what was it like to be in love
You: Terrifying. Exciting. Devestating, when it ended.
You: It was worth it.
Stranger: i'm glad
You: My only regret is that he turned to darkness. Often I wonder if I could have saved him.
Stranger: probably not
You: I suppose not.\
Stranger: how often do you use this?
You: Frequently. Now that I am dead, I have quite a lot of time on my hands.
Stranger: this is my first time
You: One's first time should be special.
Stranger: it wasn't. or it was. i'm not sure. i guess i could rewrite my memory whichever way i wanted it
You: I could modify your memory. However, I would not wish for you to end up in St. Mungo's.
Stranger: no it's fine, i can try and do it myself
You: Are you not a muggle?
Stranger: you repeat anything enough and eventually it becomes true
You: That is almost word for word Hymora's Law of Memory Charms. You have a gift for magical theory.
Stranger: i'm a muggle, though, remember?
You: Perhaps you are not.
Stranger: no i think i am, i'm pretty sure i'd know by now if i had any inclination towards magic
You: Perhaps. However, I would give it consideration if I were you. Often, we overlook our own talents simply because we do not believe that they are possible.
Stranger: oh no. when i was eleven i checked my mailbox to see if i got a letter from hogwarts.
Stranger: i'm not joking
Stranger: i actually went and checked
You: We send all our letters by owl post. There is a chance that your owl was blown off-course or hit by an aeroplane.
Stranger: i didn't know birds were killed by planes until i heard that story about the plane landing in the hudson
You: Oh my. How dreadful. I hope such an accident has never been caused by one of the Hogwarts owls.
Stranger: hopefully they'd be smart and fast enough to avoid that, yeah
You: We do have rather intelligent owls.
Stranger: have you ever talked to anyone who didn't know who dumbledore was?
You: Often. They are sometimes quite rude.
Stranger: i can imagine
You: However, there will always be narrow-minded people in this world. My only consolation is the thought that perhaps there are less than when I was born.
Stranger: what's the rudest thing anyone's ever said to you?
You: Perhaps more rude is what they have not said to me. The stoney silence when I respond to 'a/s/l' with '130/M/The Afterlife' is most disconcerting.
Stranger: oh i didn't even know there was a system
Stranger: age sex location?
Stranger: is this site generally for online dating?
You: Some seem to think it is. I find it amazing how love seems to know no bounds.
Stranger: i'm still not entirely sure what love is
Stranger: but i'll tell you if i find out
You: I think it is a question that we all must answer on our own. For me, love has proven to be not uncomparable to a warm pair of socks, freshly laundered.
Stranger: oh yeah you saw yourself holding some in the mirror
Stranger: for me it's been more like a bubble
Stranger: beautiful, slippery, and impossible to look at too closely
Stranger: and ephemeral
You: Profound. It has often been that way for me, although I have so often wished that it was more like my purple heeled boots - well-known and able to withstand heat, cold, splinching, and the killing curse.
Stranger: sounds like we could both use some more stability in our relationships
You: Indeed. However, the afterlife has not yet proven to be a good place to find love, so my chances are rather slim.
Stranger: but the afterlife is the most stable place of all
Stranger: don't worry, something will come along
You: I find that many here are old and already have love that they carried through from their life, or young and bitter that they lost the love they had in life. I suppose patience is a virtue, however. I have, after all, been dead for merely twelve years.
You: Years pass faster in eternity.
Stranger: and in the meantime you can have one of those fantastic dating montages they use in romantic comedies
You: Yes! What fun.
You: I have always wanted a montage.
Stranger: sometimes i hope dramatic music will play at points in my life
You: It has at points in my life. Fawkes is very useful in that way.
Stranger: oh so true
You: He even trilled a lament on the occasion of my death.
Stranger: i understand the reference, i've read a great deal about you
You: Have you indeed? Are you sure you have no inclination towards magic?
Stranger: on a scale of one to ten, i'm about 8 percent sure
You: I find that those with the most talent in something are often those who have read about it the most.
Stranger: that might be true
Stranger: i have to go now, but it was nice meeting you
You: Farewell.
Stranger: bye bye
Your conversational partner has disconnected.
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