Interludes and Peppermint by soda_and_capes, PG-13
If someone asked me to explain why I ship Snupin, I would do nothing more than direct them to this fic.
The Inverse of Hormesis by woldy, R
For the line, " Lupin managed the astonishing feat of looking sexually appealing whilst wearing a pair of flower-patterned oven gloves." Features perhaps the most perfect characterizations of Snape and Lupin I have ever seen.
Foil Wrappers and Warding Wire by Snupin Santa, R
Heartbreaking angst with a happy ending -- one of the few fics that has ever made me cry. Somehow perfectly transitions from, at the beginning, Snape despising Lupin and the world in general to, by the end, Snape loving Lupin and being pretty okay with the world in general.
Albus Severus/Scorpius
Words That Tear and Strain to Rhyme by abusing_sarcasm, PG-13
It's Hereditary! by
kimberry531, PG
Sins of the Fathers by
blamebrampton, PG-13
One of the first AS/S fics I ever read, to this day it defines the ship for me. It remains the fic I use to get non-fic-readers addicted, and it works.
The Road Less Travelled, PG-13, and its sequel
Three Steps Back, R, by
This Year's Love by
hollycomb, R
Fragile by
_pinkchocolate, PG-13
Flora and Fauna by
hollycomb, NC-17, Albus Severus/Teddy.
This is the kind of fic that puts vivid pictures in my head that I just can't shake. Teddy as a reclusive herbologist is now one of those pictures.
Creevey At Large by
nopejr, PG-13, H/D but Creevey-centric.
This might be my all-time favorite fic. Dennis Creevey and drunken time-travel -- what could possibly be better?
Rise from the Ashes by
midnitemaraud_r, NC-17, Teddy/Cedric.
Many Precious Things by
leashy_bebes, 7 chapters as of October 2009, between G and R so far, Teddy/James.
Non HP
This Is How The Universe Ends by perryvic & shewhoguards, PG-13, Discworld and Torchwood crossover, Death/Jack Harkness/Universe
It is exactly as awesome as it sounds (in other words, very awesome).