I decided to write this for a few reasons, but the main reason is due to me being extremely bored, and feeling the need to write something worth reading.
Let's start off by mention that 2 weeks ago I recieved some prank calls from a person called "
Dylan Tee Bob", from the number 480-229-7195. I find it odd, considering last I heard, Dylan's number was 623-670-9437, which just proves that not only is Dylan too chicken shit to say shit to my face, he's also too much of a coward to use his own phone number (The first one is
Before I go any further into that subject, let me explain as to why Dylan decided to make some highschool pranks (Honestly, how many adults do you know that prank call?), starting from the begining.
As you all know Melanna and David Wissman had ended their engagement, on grounds that is their business. During this time Melanna needed some one to talk to, and needed a friend. Naturally she went to the people she considered to be her best friends (Adrian, and Seth), and practically got shit on by them. During the time she needed some one the most, her friends thought it would be best to ask her to be their fuck buddy, and/or help them cheat on their girlfriends. Apparently the only reason they had been keeping her around. Me being the only one she could go to (as to my knowledge), she told me about the whole situation. She also asked me why I hadn't been hanging out with Adrian, Seth, and Dylan any longer. I explained to her that I can't stand people who do nothing but shit talk their friends, behind their back (Let's name a few they talk shit about; Angela, Justin, Sammy the Heeb, Melanna, eachother, Brad, Nate, Andy, basicly anyone and everyone at 8block), then act like their best friends the next day. It made me wonder; what was stopping them from doing it to me? Melanna let me know that nothing had been stopping them from talking shit about me, in fact it was another common topic amongst the group.
About a week later, David Wissman had came back in town for a visit, or so he told a few people. David's original plan was to try and recover the engagement ring he had given Melanna (I was unaware of this for certain until after he had left). David and I grew up together, and we're closer than him and his real brother, or at least we alway's have been. I grew up in his house 50% of my life, as well as him growing up in mine 50% of his life. So naturally I bit the bullet and went to see him when he came into town, even though he was hanging out over at Adrian's place. During this visit I had let him know that I didn't talk to Adrian, or anyone from that group any longer, due to them being complete backstabbers. David told me he understood because he already knew that about them.
The following day: By now David and Melanna were already hanging out again, because Melanna was an emotional wreck, and was trying to hold on to something, that just won't ever be what she wants it to be. Melanna had ditched hanging out with me to go see David, at some party he was throwing at his place. I was talking to Melanna, and she was apologizing to me for ditching me. But I understood, because I knew what she was going through. But before I could say anything else, she let me know that it was best if I didn't come over to see David. Apparently, people at the table were talking shit about me. When I asked her "who?" she told me she didn't want to give names, just that "everyone" was. I instantly called up David, and asked him who was talking shit about me, to which he tried lying about. He claimed that no one was saying anything, and that he didn't know what I was talking about. I told him I knew for a fact that people were talking shit, and to not fucking lie to me about it, if anything he should have my back on the situation. He then stated that he didn't want to tell me who, because he was "staying out of polotics".
Naturally I get my crew packed into the van and we take a road trip over to Dave's place. On the way there I tell my friends that not only am I taking them to see Dave, I'm also going to teach those mother-fuckers how to play hardball (At this point I had been drinking and was feeling good about myself, and needing to start some shit).
We arrive there and David runs up to me, and the first thing he say's to me is, "Jimmy what are you planning?" I tell him that I am planning nothing, that I just wanted everyone to see him. I then crack open a beer, sit down, and wait for my moment, while my friends associate with David (They hate everyone from that group as well). Let me paint you a picture of who's sitting at the table, that I can remember;
Sitting on my left:
Rowley (One of my friends I brought)
Jon's girlfriend
Sitting on my right:
Adrian's girlfriend (Sitting in his lap)
Shannon Mcdaniel
Now, remember; no one would inform me of who was talking shit. So at this point I've already decided who the most likely victims are, generally the people who have already talked shit once:
Jon (This one I let slide, he's young and at that age where he just thinks he knows everything, and thinks he can take on the world. I was there once.)
I sit back and wait for it, and finally I hear a conversation from Adrian and his girlfriend;
Adrian: I'm going to get a new girlfriend.
Girlfriend: You better not....
This is where I butt in;
Me: I thought you already had a new girlfriend Adrian?
Adrian: No, what are you talking about?
Me: You know...Lizzie!
Adrian: Umm, no, I haven't spoken to Lizzie since I don't know when.
Me: What? You mean she didn't say much when you were fucking her a few weeks back? (Referring to the 3-some he had with Lizzie and David)
*dead silence strikes the table*
*Girlfriend gives Adrian an un-nerving look*
Me: Yeah, and didn't you just confess your love to some one just the other day? (This would be me talking about Melanna)
*I get up from the table, and lean up to Adrian's girlfriend*
Me: No bullshit..
Girlfriend: Oh, I know.
*everyone leaves the table*
After everyone leaves the table, David, and Jon walk over to the grass area of the yard, on the other side of the house. Asking people who the "leek" is. Referring to the person who told me about their actions. Also bitching about what I have done, as if I don't have a right to retaliate for actions against me. Like I'm just suppose to sit back and let people shit on me, without a word. The nerve of these people. Some how doing that to an enemy is more unbelievable than backstabbing your friends.
Dylan comes back and sits down at the table, and I make a rude comment about his girlfriend who I don't like. Dylan ask's me "Are you talking shit, Jim-Jim?", in a very homosexual voice. I then tell him, "Yes, I am, is there anything you would like to say to me?", practicly begging him to have the balls to say one thing to my face, but it just doesn't fit his MO, and he responds with turning his head and talking to Shannon Mcdaniel. Because Dylan's balls are hanging from a telephone or computer, the only place he can talk shit from. I then end up leaving right after that, without attacking the rest of my targets, due to a company mistake, caused by David inviting people over to his house. I just didn't want to be apart of that time bomb.
The next day I get a myspace mail from Dylan. Dylan's letter was quite intelligant, and consisted of 3 words, rearanging one of my bulletins, as if he thought it up on his own. I blocked him for his stupidity. I also recieved an AIM message from Jon, which I gladly let him know he had no right talking to me about the situation, unless it was person to person, which he already had the chance, and declined it.
Now then, back to the start of this horribly long story, where Dylan has recently thought it was hilarious to prank call me. Which honestly, the voicemails were quite funny. I say they're funny, because for one, Dylan thinks I'm older than what I actually am, and for two, Dylan thinks I'm ashamed of things about myself that I tell EVERYONE about. I hate to say it, but if I'm ashamed of something (which I'm not), I wouldn't be telling everyone and their brother about them. As proof, I will post the two subjects right here for everyone who reads to see.
#1 I openly admit to being a virgin.
#2 I live with my family.
I don't have to justify either of those, because there is nothing to justify. I'm happy for both. It's not like it's pathetic to be a virgin, there are other things than sex, and as a matter of a fact, it's harder to stay a virgin than it is to have sex. Anyone that goes to party's or has a $20 bill in their wallet can accomplish it. The real skill is being able to pass it up. What kind of man would do that you ask? I would, and have gone to great lengths to keep certain women away from me, who have begged to fuck me (No bullshit, although that may be hard to swallow).
There are multiple reason's why I've kept myself a virgin, and a good majority of them bite people in the ass on a regular basis. Although to fuck a woman would be amazing, I just haven't found some one worth my time, as of yet. But in all honesty, what I do, who I fuck, who I don't fuck, what I drink, what drugs I do, is simply none of anyone's business, unless I decide otherwise.
As for #2; I live with family because I can't stand living with anyone else. Even when I've tried, my family refuses to let me pay rent, and I'm allowed to do what I want, when I want, as if I were living on my own, as far as throwing parties. So what's the problem? That's right, there isn't one. As a matter of a fact, I have friends staying over here on a regular basis, because my place is 100x better than theirs (All of which also live with family, or with roommates).
I would also like to retaliate with some remarks that Sammy the Heeb has thrown around, aside from coming to me about it. Which is that I talk a lot of shit about a lot of people. You're right Sammy, I do, but those people I honestly don't care for, and I let them know that. Also, I've never said anything about anyone that I've never said to that person's face, or wouldn't say to that person's face. I also don't talk a ton of shit about my friends, and the things I do say are jokes that me and them say back and forth to eachother on a regular basis. If you have proof against this, let's hear it. But please give me the opertunity to defend myself in person.
Also, Jon, when I thanked you for finaly staying out of it, you should've just stayed out of it, rather than get everyone involved in the story when you're drunk. You wanted everyone to know, so I'm spreading this shit like cancer. But I give the full story, not the readers digest version.
I honestly thought this was a dead topic, a long time ago. But people like to beat a dead horse.