Apr 02, 2004 22:20
Gonna play DDR tommorow. Hope i dont kill myself(playing DDR).
just finnished watching The Cell. If you are of age go watch it. wanna be 11yr old punks not apply. shut your mouth and go back to listening to M&M.
Mar 19, 2004 10:03
Today and for the past few days I've been playing Zelda 64. Mostly to have fun with running across the water, but also to test how long my video card can go without doing a forced restart. so far i found out it crashes often but recovers itself a lot and only restarts ever fifth recover.
Mar 15, 2004 19:21
Wen t to Dad's today, Formated his new HDD and helped him with tv stuff. Gonna go tommorow to help him install his new video card
Mar 14, 2004 23:36
Just got quake 1. getting mods. got to call dad in the morning at seven
Mar 14, 2004 21:27
I got access to all my files and everything is close to being back to normal.sleep is soon and water is plenty, mmmmm water(cold)
Mar 14, 2004 16:49
I just reinstalled XP. My files are intact but all of them inside my previous install are saying they are restricted
Mar 14, 2004 08:36
Just got back from church. Readings where about the bush and crossing the desert. I'm just glad to hear about something other than Bush and some place in a desert.
Mar 13, 2004 22:43
バカ バカ バカ バカ バカ!
Mar 13, 2004 21:39
My Dad just called, he wants to take me to church tomorrow. I better go to sleep on time.
Working on a SS cheat for Sonic Adv2
Mar 13, 2004 09:49
I went to gamefaqs for a little clue on the distance between addresses that refer to equipment and it worked! Now I have the addresses for Charge beam, Beams, and Boots