A few things I've noticed, thoughts I've had, words wasted because there are a grand total of four people who read this at all.
[1] I've noticed that no matter how hard you try to avoid something, constant exposure to it makes it difficult to avoid taking part, even without realizing. This angers me. I need to pay better attention.
[2] It's a lot easier to be motivated to do something you can't do at the moment. You sit there saying 'dang I want to work on my novel' or 'I could do to make a few good banners right now' when you're somewhere like church or in the car bored, but when you have the blank character cards in front of you or the Paint Shop Pro sitting open, you start to wonder what appeal you saw in it at all.
My solution: Getting a laptop. That means when I need to work on it, like in the car, when I'm motivated as heck, I can just pop out my little black baby and-... Wow, that sentence sounded so racist. xD; If I get a laptop, it'll be black, that's what I meant, because black laptops are pretty... Which, amazingly, isn't just a distant fantasy. It's actually my upcoming birthday gift. Which leads me to the next observation.
[3] Common sense always tells me to be grateful. I mean, I may get chewed out for everything that goes wrong in the world, but I also get cut some pretty neat breaks. For example, both my grama and my dad decided to combine my birthday and Christmas gifts, which generally doesn't sound appealing, especially if they have to wait until my birthday (January 21st, for the record). However, the two gifts in question are a car and a laptop.
My car... Ohh, it's absolutely beautiful. I'd show a picture of it, but all I have is a cruddy cell phone picture my dad sent me. But it's an Acura Integra, good condition (owned by a preppy girl in her early twenties, I have no doubt it's kept amazingly clean), bright red, spoiler and all. Sure, it'll attract cops like a bakery attracts dieting women, which I really don't need, since I don't do well getting accused of something rediculous, and a simple darker shade of red could fix that... But still, it's amazing. And I don't have to pay a cent of it. It's all him, as a birthday/Christmas gift.
My laptop, I've got no clue about. I hope it's black, but that's just me. I was told that any laptop I get will be at least twice the speed of my current computer. (To give you an idea, when I was talking to my uncle, the computer expert, he asked if my desktop computer was on XP or still on '98. Needless to say, I took a little offense. xD). And he says that any game I want to play will probably play just as well as anything my cousins' $2000 state-of-the-art gaming laptops will play, honestly. Again, it's for my birthday.
These are amazing. I promise, I'm not trying to brag, and I also promise that I'm not spoiled. This is the first time in my life that things have worked out like this. Now, I'm thankful, honestly I am, but what frustrates me is how ungrateful I find myself being at times. See, my car was supposed to be here at Thanksgiving, as an early Christmas present, but my dad never got around to that. I mean, I totally understand and all that, but I find myself thinking, 'if he'd just gotten that car here already, I'd have been able to get my license and get a job like I need to.' And for the laptop... I dunno, just impatience in general. Sometimes I just feel like I need to slap myself for not being as thankful as I should.
[IV] Hah, convenient that I chose roman numerals, since I pretty much needed an IV after my two cousins left. They're the sons of my youngest uncle and his ex-wife of thirteen or fourteen years, and they're 9 [Matthew, Matt, Matty] and 13 [Kyle]. Okay, they have the sympathy card on their side: They're caught in the middle of their parents' divorce. Yeah, okay. But my grama just spoils them rotten with sympathy, and I'm the one who has to get the butt of it all. Matt has severe anger issues, and Kyle just has to say two words that make fun of him (not specific words, but basically a hair trigger) and Matt goes savage and attacks and starts snarling like a crazed animal. Kyle instigates it, too, just to get Matt kicked out of my room. Then Kyle sits there and, though he's usually not bad at all, and I generally have no problem with him, he does not listen to me AT ALL. 'Don't touch that', 'stay out of there', 'no', 'none of your business'... None of them mean ANYTHING. He broke one of my Christmas presents that gotten THAT MORNING. But when I get mad and kick them out of my room for being brats, my grama tells me to 'quit being so bossy'. Ugh. And they each have fricking 2000 dollar laptops, state of the art gaming laptops, but when I kick them out of my room and they still have their laptops and I say to play them, they're like 'noooo, my computer is booorriiinggg'. It's like, dude, I'd give my right leg to have that laptop. Okay, not really, but still. This observation sums up to: Some kids, bad things can happen to them, but you have to keep treating them normal, or they'll turn spoiled and not listen to a word you say.
[yellow] -for I have run out of foreign numbers- Don't you hate it when you know someone's brilliant and has so much potential but they don't use it? He could be an amazing writer, if he would just take an interest... He's imaginative, and has come up with a number of great scenes for my own novel. It's all just superficial stuff that he fails at, like spelling and grammer and what should/shouldn't go in quotation marks. Hmm...
!for becca [
Those banners.
I know.
I feel horrible about it, too.
Tomorrow I'll have at least three of them for you, I promise. I just got fowled up with school and all that... Which is strange, seeing as I'm homeschooled.
!for what remains of the sizzlin', my lovelies!
We're doing good, despite what has happened in these past few days.
I do believe, after some thinking, that we've become even closer through this ordeal. Which is strange, when I think about it, how uniting against a force that is poisoning our friendships and causing a separation of what was once friendships can actually improve other friendships?
I dunno. It's late, and after so much livejournaling, I start to lose the whole making sense aspect.
I love you all. And we will drag you to Washington, if we need to. Yeah, this means you, miss 'I-have-no-violin-insurance'.
!for nobody in particular!
Kay, so after much obsession deliberation, I've pretty much decided that David Boreanaz is my new favorite actor.
Will Smith is now in second place. [One 'it's because he's black' crack from any of you, and the only black thing will be your eye. >_>;]
And I am trying to drown out the 'boom boom boom, i want you in my room' bullcrap and the incessant Britney Spears that has been stuck in my head for days with my favorite song of the minute: 'Dark Blue', by Jack's Mannequin.
Oh, and I've found a surefire way to quit hiccups. I swear, it's 100%. And it makes Wren giggle.