Okay, kids, listen up, because this is a story about how two things really don't mix.
Kay, see, I wear contacts.
Either that, or I run into a half dozen walls between here to the bathroom. (For those who don't know, meaning all of you, it's basically... Exit my room, go down a hall, enter the bathroom. A grand total of 2 and a half walls total.)
I have 20/200 vision. As in, I look at something 20 feet away and it's so blurry it may as well have been 200 feet away for the rest of you. It's insane. I'm legally blind, without my contacts.
One fact about them, though: I don't take them out very often. I'm supposed to take them out every night, but the last time was about two months ago. (Oops? ^^;)
Anyway, I for some reason was stupid enough to get shampoo in my eye when I showered last morning/night at 2 AM. Wait, no, the night before. Anyway, though, it was Tea Tree shampoo, so after I got out the initial burn, it felt kinda nice and tingly, like icy hot does on one's back. Except on my eye. Trust me, somehow it was nice. Anyway, though, the tingly feeling faded as I finished my shower, so I totally forgot it had happened.
I really probably should have taken out my contact, though, at least in that eye. I woke up with it burning constantly, and so bloodshot I looked a mixture of stoned and possessed. In that one eye. Funny thing is, I only knew about the burn part until after I hung out with Trevor for three hours, went into Subway, and did an entire lesson of martial arts. Then Beau (boyfriend/pest♥) said something along the lines of, "Wow, your eye is bloodshot," so I went home, took out my contact, and tried to get it to quit burning all night, and then all of today. It still feels weird, super sensitive, too much for my contact to go back in.
So pretty much my eye is infected.
Do behind-the-eye headaches of complete and utter hell have any association with eye infections? Because if not, I've got two problems to contend with.
Stupid me, though, I'm still working on those banners I owe you, Becca (
balfonheim, because I always have to clarify). Even though it's making me just a wee bit dizzy. =\