Take the quiz.
Post your results.
xtintin24x's eye color? blue
2) What rank would
dyefreak315 have in a giant robot army? i dunno
3) How tall is
__lovexyou? not tall
4) What exotic animal would
mymilkshake927 like as a pet? i dunno
5) Is
dyefreak315 dead sexy? i still dont understand how the phrase dead sexy makes sense
6) Does
karmaaaa drink? no
7) What is
mymilkshake927's favorite food? i dunno pop tarts haha
8) If
__lovexyou and
burberry08ox were spliced together, what would be its name? bailrina??
9) What is
burberry08ox's biggest flaw? i dunno dyeing her hair too much no ideaa
10) Is
psv1223 related to
mymilkshake927? no
11) Does
burberry08ox know
el_barberosa? dont think so
12) What is
karmaaaa's favorite color? i dunno
13) If
xcrashin2me99x were hanging off a cliff, what would
0xaugust_snowx0 do? def save here
14) What mental disorder does
juandixons_gurl remind you of? crazy
15) Where was
mymilkshake927 born? ALASKA shes an eskimo sikeee
16) Have you ever dated
dyefreak315? umm not exactly no
17) When did you last call
burberry08ox? never
18) Have you flirted with
dyefreak315? yea
19) How long have you known
burberry08ox? like 6th grade
20) Which president would
0xaugust_snowx0 be likely to idolize? i dunno
21) What do you disagree with
el_barberosa about? i dunno
22) Is
psv1223 athletic? no
23) How long would
el_barberosa dating
__lovexyou last? hhahahhahahahaha
24) Would you ever date
dyefreak315? ummmmmm no
25) Did
dyefreak315 break up with you? no